Getting the flu may increase your risk of heart attack


Certain groups of people may have a significantly increased risk of heart attack when they get the flu.

The link between flu and heart attack risk

Dr. Palleti Siva Karthik Reddy, a general practitioner at Koshys Multispeciality Hospital (Bengaluru, India) - said that influenza, or otherwise known as respiratory infections, is quite common during the changing seasons and can significantly increase the risk of heart attack for patients.

“The flu causes a strong inflammatory response in the body as it fights off the infection. This increased inflammation can destabilize existing plaque in the arteries, making it more likely to rupture and cause a heart attack,” Dr. Reddy said.

The virus can also trigger your blood clotting system, putting you at risk of blood clots forming in your arteries, Reddy added. If the clot blocks blood flow to your heart, it can lead to a heart attack.

The fever, rapid heart rate, and general stress your body experiences during the flu can put a significant strain on your heart. This extra workload can trigger a heart attack in people with pre-existing heart disease or those at higher risk.

In some cases, Dr. Reddy said, the flu virus can directly infect the heart muscle, causing inflammation and potentially leading to heart dysfunction.

Who is at high risk?

While anyone can have a heart attack after getting the flu, certain groups of people are particularly vulnerable, according to Dr. Reddy, including:

Older adults: As we age, our immune systems weaken and our hearts become more susceptible to stress. This makes older adults more susceptible to complications from both the flu and heart problems.

People with a history of heart disease: People with heart disease, high blood pressure, or other cardiovascular risk factors are at higher risk of heart attack after having the flu.

People with weakened immune systems: People with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing cancer treatment or having HIV/AIDS, are at higher risk of serious complications from the flu, including heart problems.


Dr. Reddy recommends several measures including:

- Get vaccinated: Getting a yearly flu vaccine is your best defense against the flu and its potential complications.

- Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, avoid close contact with sick people, and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

- Seek prompt medical attention: If you suspect you have the flu, see your doctor immediately. Early treatment with antiviral drugs can reduce the severity and duration of the illness, potentially reducing the risk of complications to the heart.

- Manage existing heart conditions: If you have a history of heart disease, it is important to keep it under control. This includes taking your medications as prescribed, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and seeing a cardiologist for regular checkups.

- Lifestyle adjustments: If you have the flu, get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid strenuous activities that can put stress on your heart.


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