Use VNeID electronic health book when going to see a doctor

Lệ Hà |

The Ministry of Health issued a Decision guiding the pilot implementation of electronic health books for integration on the VNeID application.

According to the Ministry of Health, this guide is for use by all public and private medical examination and treatment facilities licensed to operate under the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and for all types of outpatient examination, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, day treatment, prescription and medication collection by appointment, and telemedicine.

Step 1: Register and create an account, authenticate: People need to install the VNeID application and have level 2 identification authentication, integrating health insurance card information (if any).

Log in to the VNeID application and access the “Electronic Health Book” application, read the terms and click “Agree to use the VNeID Electronic Health Book application”.

Fill in complete personal information such as name, date of birth, address, phone number, and other basic medical information.

Step 2: People use VNeID electronic health book when going to see a doctor or get medical treatment:

When going to see a doctor, if people have a VNeID electronic health book, they are requested to present the VNeID health book instead of the paper book.

Step 3: Medical examination and treatment facilities receive information in the VNeID electronic health book when examining and treating patients:

Doctors and medical staff use information in the patient's VNeID Health Book to exploit administrative information and make decisions to support diagnosis and treatment.

Note: the information on VNeID is as valid as on the paper version: personal information; citizen identification number; health insurance card information; medical examination and treatment history; re-examination appointment slip; referral paper on the VNeID application is as valid as on the paper version.

Step 4: Record and communicate medical examination and treatment results:

Summary information of the medical examination and treatment process is recorded by doctors and medical staff on the software system of the medical examination and treatment facility, and connected to the Health Insurance Appraisal Data Receiving Portal after completion to continue displaying on the VNeID Electronic Health Book to serve the next medical examinations and treatments.

Step 5: Log out of the application: log out of your VNeID account before changing devices to protect personal information and health information.

Personal health information on VNeID Electronic Health Book has the same security as other information on VNeID.

Treating doctors and medical staff during the examination and treatment of patients can access and use information on the patient's VNeID electronic health book.

The Ministry of Health also guides the Departments of Health to develop a plan to deploy the local VNeID Electronic Health Book, advises the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province or city to approve and organize the deployment of the VNeID Electronic Health Book on schedule.

The Departments of Health shall issue codes for medical examination and treatment facilities that do not have codes and direct, inspect, and urge affiliated medical examination and treatment facilities to connect VNeID electronic health book data according to regulations; inspect and supervise the implementation of connecting VNeID electronic health book data, report progress, implementation results, and evaluation results to the Ministry of Health every 6 months.

According to the Ministry of Health, the VNeID Electronic Health Book data is integrated from the National Health Insurance Database, which is part of the health insurance medical examination and treatment cost settlement data. Therefore, the process of connecting health insurance medical examination and treatment data to the Health Insurance Appraisal Data Receiving Portal should be used to connect the VNeID Electronic Health Book data.

Lệ Hà

Đến cơ quan công an nhờ gỡ bỏ ứng dụng VNeID giả mạo


Sau khi lỡ cài đặt ứng dụng VNeID giả mạo, một người dân ở Hà Nam đã đến cơ quan công an trình báo, nhờ gỡ bỏ ứng dụng.

Cách tích hợp bảo hiểm xe máy vào VNEID

Xuyên Đông |

Theo luật mới bảo hiểm xe máy vẫn là loại bảo hiểm bắt buộc. Tuy nhiên, người dân có thể xuất trình bảo hiểm y tế qua VNEID khi được yêu cầu.

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Integration of Motorbike Insurance into VNEID

Xuyên Đông |

According to the new law, motorcycle insurance is still a compulsory type of insurance. However, citizens can present their health insurance via VNEID when required.

Hà Nội thí điểm triển khai sổ sức khỏe điện tử

Hà Lê |

Chủ tịch UBND TP.Hà Nội Trần Sỹ Thanh vừa ký ban hành Kế hoạch số 269/KH-UBND về triển khai thí điểm lập hồ sơ sức khỏe điện tử và sổ sức khỏe điện tử trên địa bàn TP.Hà Nội.