10-minute morning routine to reduce belly fat faster

Thanh Thanh |

According to Eat This, Not That, just 10 minutes of exercise every morning has a positive impact on exercise and fat loss, especially belly fat loss.

This 10-minute exercise includes 5 movements, each move is done in 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds and repeat for 2 sets. Note to keep your movements controlled and focused while exercising. Consistency and perseverance are key to achieving your weight loss and fat loss goals.

1. Squat

This exercise works the core muscles and enhances shoulder mobility.

2. Plank combined with face-down dog pose

This exercise helps strengthen the torso, activate the shoulders and improve the flexibility of the hamstrings.

Start in a high plank position, place your hands directly under your shoulders and tighten your core muscles. Push your hips back and up, keeping your heels pointing down to the floor.

Hold for a second, feeling the stretch in the hamstrings and shoulders. Singaporean to a plank position in a controlled manner. Repeat, keep the rhythm regular.

3. Lower back bending exercises

Impact the glutes, hamstrings and lower back, while enhancing the appropriate ridge mechanism.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your hands behind your head, and your elbows wide. Bend your hips by pushing your buttocks back.

Lower your torso until you feel the hamstrings stretch. Tighten your glutes and push your hips forward to return to a standing position. Repeat at a controlled pace.

Tap the duc tot cho suc khoe. Do hoa: Thanh Thanh
Exercise is good for your health. Graphics: Thanh Thanh

4. Bears vs. Shoulderness

Exercises to strengthen deep core, shoulder muscles and improve stability.

Start in the cow position, arms under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Lift your knees slightly off the ground, keeping your back straight and tightening your core.

touch your right shoulder with your left hand while keeping your hips stable. Place your hands on the ground and switch sides. Continue to rotate, minimizing vibration in the torso.

5. Together

Exercises that stimulate leg muscles, improve balance and increase heart rate.

Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot back in an upside-down position, lowering your body until both knees form a 90-degree angle.

Pull your left leg back into a standing position, while pulling your right knee up towards your chest. Hold for a while, then step back and do the next move. Repeat for 20 seconds on one side, then switch sides.

Thanh Thanh

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Exercise strategy combined with walking helps reduce belly fat

Thanh Thanh |

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Thanh Thanh |

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