Walking uphill is one of the effective ways to burn 500 calories quickly and reduce fat. Adjusting your slope and speed will increase your heart rate, impact more muscle mass and maximize calorie burn. You can adjust the incline on a treadmill or walk an incline outside.
This exercise will increase your heart rate without the need for dumbbells or any other equipment. This 45-minute exercise uses uphill walking periods to maximize calorie burn and help you reach your goal of 500 calories quickly.
Start by walking for 5 minutes. Climbing uphill with an incline on a 8-12 treadmill, doing 4 sets of 2 minutes each, 1 minute rest.
Next, walk at a steady pace at a normal pace for 5 minutes. Then, walk quickly on the slope for 4 sets of 3 minutes of exercise each set, 1 minute of rest, the slope on the machine is 10-15.
Complete the exercise in order, maintain a good posture and swing strongly. Adjust your speed and incline to match your fitness level.