Công ty AIC

Transferring files of 4 cases with signs of crime in Binh Thuan

Lam Duy |

The inspection agency transferred the files to the police investigation agencies at all levels of 4 cases in Binh Thuan showing signs of corruption and negativity in educational procurement.

Former Secretary Nguyen Nhan Chien and the story of 14 billion received from AIC

Lê Thanh Phong |

Mr. Nguyen Nhan Chien - former Secretary of Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee was accused of creating conditions for AIC Company to win the bid and receiving a bribe of 4 billion VND.

Bac Lieu proposed reviewing many officials related to AIC


Up to 11 officials in Bac Lieu were recommended for criticism by the Bac Lieu Provincial Inspectorate because of their involvement in the bidding package provided by AIC .

Trốn truy nã, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn (AIC) vẫn bị đề nghị 30 năm tù

Anh Tú |

TPHCM - Ngày 11.7, sau khi kết thúc phần xét hỏi, phiên tòa xét xử bị cáo Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn (cựu Chủ tịch Công ty AIC, đang trốn truy nã) và 13 bị cáo, chuyển sang với phần tranh luận.