Axit Uric

Uric acid is an antioxidant.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Pubmed & Sciencedirect) |

Uric acid deficiency in the body will also cause dangerous conditions.

Juice recipe to prevent uric acid from rising out of control


If you have high uric acid levels in your blood, you can make cucumber, celery and kiwi juice for regular use.

3 notes when exercising for people with high uric acid

NGỌC DIỆP (THEO aboluowang) |

Gout patients with high uric acid levels need to have a suitable exercise regimen to not affect their health.

Familiar meat causes increased uric acid


For people with high uric acid , eating too much red meat can be harmful to health.

High uric acid should eat foods rich in vitamin C

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ nlm & jamanetwork) |

High uric acid should eat some foods , including those rich in vitamin C. But need to eat properly to be effective.

Why does eating a lot of beef cause uric acid to increase uncontrollably?

Nhóm pv (theo Dietary Fiber Food) |

Eating too much beef will increase uric acid levels in the blood, increasing the risk of gout.

Fruits rich in vitamin B12 help reduce high uric acid

Nhóm PV (Theo The Healthsite) |

According to The Healthsite, fruits rich in vitamin B12 help reduce high uric acid levels , especially in men.

What type of water should you drink and avoid if uric acid levels are high?

NHÓM PV (THEO Medicinenet) |

When uric acid levels in the blood are high, we should drink and avoid some of the following drinks.

Distinguish between gout caused by high uric acid and pseudogout

Ngọc Linh (Nguồn: Medicalnewstoday) |

Gout and pseudogout have many differences from the cause of onset, the location of painful joints...

5 diseases that can increase uric acid in the blood


Uric acid is a byproduct produced during the breakdown of purines. High levels of uric acid in the blood can indicate the presence of certain diseases.

Tips to eliminate uric acid with simple foods

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

Consuming the foods below can reduce uric acid levels and reduce gout attacks.

Abnormal signs in the skin indicate increased uric acid

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

There are many signs that uric acid increases, of which red skin is a sign to pay attention to.

Signs appearing on the hands and feet indicate increased uric acid

NHÓM PV (THEO the healthsite) |

When there are unusual changes in your arms and legs, it is possible that uric acid levels in your body are increasing.

4 unusual signs in the hands and feet when uric acid skyrockets

TUỆ NHI (THEO the healthsite) |

When your feet and fingers show these 4 unusual signs at night, it is possible that uric acid levels in your body are increasing.

4 types of people are prone to uncontrolled increase in uric acid levels

NHÓM PV (THEO aboluowang) |

The following 4 groups of people are at risk of high uric acid levels in the blood.