Cách tính lương hưu

Pension calculation formula for September 2024

Linh Hà |

According to Decree 75/2024/ND-CP, there will be a 15% increase in pensions , social insurance benefits and monthly benefits.

How much is the pension in September 2024 after a 15% increase?

Hoàng Lê |

For the subjects specified in Decree 75/2024/ND-CP, how is the pension level for September 2024 after a 15% increase calculated?

Agree with the new pension calculation method after July 1, 2025

Mạnh Cường |

The Social Insurance Law 2024 stipulates that pensions for public sector workers are calculated by averaging the entire payment process.

Point of New Pension in Social Insurance Law (Amended)

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The Social Insurance Law (Amended) takes effect from 1.7.2025 and has many new points regarding pension compared to the 2014 Social Insurance Law.

What to do if you have not received pension through your account?

Hà Anh |

To date, in the urban area, there are approximately 74% of individuals receiving retirement pay, social insurance benefits… through their personal bank accounts.

How will pensions be adjusted from 1.7.2025?

Hoàng Lê |

The bases for adjusting pension are stipulated in the revised Social Insurance Law effective from 1.7.2025.

In 2025, how old do people need to be to receive a pension?

Trà My |

Retirement age and receiving pension in 2025 are as follows: male workers 61 years 3 months; female workers 56 years 8 months.

Each year of early retirement will result in a 2% reduction

Hà Anh |

Ms. Ngo Thi Le (Hanoi) is concerned, her mother was born in 1973, and currently wants to retire early, so if she retires before the age, how will the benefit rate be reduced?

After 15 years of social insurance, will the pension rate change?

Hoàng Lê |

The new pension rate for people paying social insurance for 15 years remains unchanged and inherits the provisions of the current Social Insurance Law.

When is it beneficial to receive pension after 15 years of social insurance?

Hoàng Lê |

Readers wonder which time to receive pension is most beneficial if the employee reaches retirement age and has paid social insurance for 15 years?