1 Deputy Prime Minister and 2 Ministers attended the Government meeting for the first time


The Prime Minister welcomed the new Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers approved by the National Assembly and the General Secretary and President awarded the appointment decisions.

On August 27, in Hanoi, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a Government meeting on law-making to discuss and give opinions on the project Law on Management and Investment of State Capital in Enterprises (amended). ); the Teachers Law and Digital Technology Industry Law projects.

According to the Government Office, this is the second legal meeting in August 2024 and the Government's 8th legal meeting this year. Attending the meeting were Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies and Government agencies.

The second Government meeting on legal topics in August. Photo: Nhat Bac
The second Government meeting on legal topics in August. Photo: Nhat Bac

Opening the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh welcomed the new Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers approved by the National Assembly and the General Secretary and President handed over the appointment decisions.

Attending this session were Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh, Minister of Justice Nguyen Hai Ninh and Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Do Duc Duy.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hopes that the newly appointed Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers and the Government team will further promote solidarity, unity, discipline, integrity, innovation, and drastic actions. , effectively and excellently complete assigned tasks, especially the goals and tasks set by the 13th Party Congress.

In the immediate future, strive to complete socio-economic development targets in 2024 and set out directions, tasks, and solutions for socio-economic development in 2025; contributing to the 5-year results of implementing the 10-year socio-economic development strategy 2021-2030, directions and tasks for 5-year socio-economic development 2026-2030.

The Prime Minister said that this session aims to continue implementing one of the three strategic breakthroughs identified by the 13th Party Congress, in order to supplement and perfect institutions and remove difficulties and obstacles. , unlocking resources for development.

The Prime Minister emphasized the need to continue to innovate the thinking of lawmaking in the direction of: Sticking to reality, respecting objective reality; Issues that are mature, clear, proven correct by practice, agreed by the majority, and implemented effectively will be legalized; Issues that are not yet ripe and unclear will be piloted, while learning from experience and gradually expanding; Don't be a perfectionist, don't be in a hurry.

According to the Prime Minister, the law projects considered at the meeting are all important contents, stemming from practical requirements.

In particular, the development of the Law on Management and Investment of State Capital at Enterprises (amended) aims to better manage state capital at enterprises, but also remove obstacles and promote resources and assets. of the State for development.

The Teachers' Law Project aims to improve the quality of teachers, meet the requirements, tasks, and mission of cultivating teachers in new conditions, with the view that "teachers are the driving force and inspiration." inspiration for pupils and students".

The Digital Technology Industry Law project aims to create a legal corridor to promote development and state management in the field of digital technology industry...

According to the program, at the meeting, the Government listened to a summary presentation and a report on receiving appraisal opinions; At the same time, discuss policy contents in law projects.


Không né tránh các nội dung nhạy cảm, dễ trục lợi chính sách

Phạm Đông |

Chủ tịch Quốc hội yêu cầu các đại biểu thể hiện rõ quan điểm, khách quan, không né tránh đối với các nội dung nhạy cảm, dễ xảy ra trục lợi chính sách.

Ông Nguyễn Hòa Bình giữ chức Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ


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Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính Hồ Đức Phớc giữ chức Phó Thủ tướng


Ông Hồ Đức Phớc - Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính đã được Quốc hội phê chuẩn bổ nhiệm giữ chức Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Ngôi làng quanh năm tô vẽ, tạo tiếng trống dịp Tết Trung thu

Thanh Bình - Khánh Linh |

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Làm từ thiện không trung thực là vi phạm đạo đức, pháp luật


PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

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