Đại biểu Quốc hội

National Assembly Chairman attends mock session of Children's National Assembly


National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man and Party and State leaders attended the second mock session of the Children's National Assembly in 2024.

Removing the National Assembly Delegate for Lam Dong Deputy Secretary

Lan Nhi |

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has issued a Resolution on the dismissal of Mr. Tran Dinh Van from the duties of National Assembly Delegate of the 15th tenure.

List of job positions of full-time National Assembly deputies


The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has issued job positions for full-time National Assembly deputies working at the Central level and officials under the Committee's management.

Fire prevention recommendations for residential and commercial properties


The draft Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue stipulates that business areas at risk of fire and explosion must be separated from residential areas.

National Assembly delegate Tran Viet Anh holds a new position


National Assembly Delegate Tran Viet Anh, Full-time Member of the Culture and Education Committee, was approved to hold the position of Standing Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee .

Dismissal of National Assembly delegate Mr. Le Thanh Van


At the 8th extraordinary session, the National Assembly dismissed Mr. Le Thanh Van as a member of the 15th National Assembly .

Many recently implemented laws have had to be amended

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly deputies and voters are very curious about the fact that many laws that have just been implemented have to be amended, and even laws that have not yet been implemented must be amended.

If the SCB and Viet A cases do not return additional investigation documents, they cannot be done


The Director of the Supreme People's Procuracy said that in the case of SCB and Viet A , registration, if additional investigation documents are not returned, it cannot be done.

Propose additional policies on exemption, reduction, and extension of taxes and fees

Tuệ Linh |

To continue to effectively implement economic recovery and development, in the last months of 2024, National Assembly deputies said that many flexible policies and measures need to be implemented.

People put great trust in Lao Dong Newspaper

ĐÔNG NHI thực hiện |

Talking about Lao Dong Newspaper, many National Assembly delegates said that this is one of the reliable addresses, loved by readers and people have great trust.

Continue to innovate the election mechanism for National Assembly deputies

Lan Nhi |

The project "Renovating the election mechanism for National Assembly deputies and People's Council deputies at all levels" has clearly outlined solutions to continue improving the Party's leadership mechanism in election work.

National Assembly deputies are responsible for explaining new policies

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly deputies are responsible for propagating and specifically explaining a number of new policies that directly impact people's lives.

National Assembly deputies need to contact voters outside the election area


Voter contact activities outside the areas where National Assembly deputies are running for election are rarely organized and not very effective, so they need to be strengthened.

Đồng ý cho phép khởi tố, bắt tạm giam đại biểu Quốc hội Lê Thanh Vân


Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội đã thông qua Nghị quyết đồng ý cho phép khởi tố bị can, bắt tạm giam, khám xét nơi ở, nơi làm việc và quyết định tạm đình chỉ thực hiện nhiệm vụ, quyền hạn đại biểu Quốc hội khóa XV đối với ông Lê Thanh Vân - Ủy viên thường trực Ủy ban Tài chính - Ngân sách Quốc hội.