Nhà tái định cư

Dilapidated resettlement houses advertised at prices equal to new apartments

Thu Giang - Lê Tâm |

Hanoi - Despite its current state of disrepair, the A6 Nam Trung Yen resettlement area (Trung Hoa ward, Cau Giay) is being offered for sale at more than 60 million VND/m2.

Resettlement housing for people is not just apartments


Many resettlement housing projects have been shelved after completion. The housing projects are left exposed to the elements, and the resettled people do not move in while they have to live in poor and difficult conditions elsewhere.

Avoid loss of public assets when auctioning resettlement houses


Many economic experts believe that the 2024 Land Law and the 2023 Housing Law, together with the promulgated guiding documents, will create a legal corridor for Hanoi and localities to review and pilot appropriate solutions for handling unused resettlement housing, including an auction plan for resettlement apartments that have been abandoned for many years.

Auction, revive abandoned resettlement houses


Faced with the situation of many completed projects being left unfinished and overgrown with weeds, causing waste, the Department of Construction has proposed to the Hanoi People's Committee a plan to auction and recover capital for unused resettlement housing projects in the area. This proposal is expected to create a new housing supply for the market, avoiding waste.

Increasing housing supply from auctioning abandoned resettlement houses


The plan to auction abandoned resettlement houses is supported by many people because it both creates new supply and solves the problem of land waste.

Hanoi calculates to resolve abandoned resettlement housing


Faced with the reality of many abandoned resettlement houses , the Hanoi Department of Construction said that the excess houses will be auctioned to recover capital.

Resolving difficulties for a series of degraded and abandoned resettlement houses

Tùng Giang |

While apartment prices continue to rise, making it difficult for people to access housing, a series of resettlement houses are abandoned, causing great waste, or are in serious disrepair, making people live in insecurity.

The story of taking advantage of abandoned resettlement housing projects


The paradox of "a surplus of houses, a shortage of places to live" makes students and workers struggle to find accommodation, especially in the context of rising house prices. Housing experts say that there needs to be a clear roadmap to thoroughly resolve this situation when many resettlement housing projects are currently abandoned, causing waste.

Turn land used to build resettlement houses into parking lots

Cao Huân |

Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee approved the allocation of more than 8,000 square meters of public land to implement a resettlement apartment project in Phuoc Long A ward (Thu Duc city), however, for many years this land has not been deployed to build resettlement houses. turned into a parking lot.

Removing obstacles to converting abandoned resettlement houses to social housing

Tuyết Lan - Vũ Linh |

Converting abandoned resettlement houses to social housing is a completely reasonable plan, but there can be problems due to the different nature of these two types.

Converting resettlement houses to social housing is urgent but there are still many bottlenecks

Tuyết Lan |

"Although converting abandoned resettlement houses into social housing is very reasonable and urgent, there are still many problems. In addition, to avoid the situation of abandoned resettlement houses in the future, In the future, localities need to review and balance land recovery plans with the implementation of resettlement projects" - Lawyer, Master Pham Thanh Tuan (Hanoi Bar Association) said during the meeting. discussed with reporter Lao Dong Newspaper

Paradox of abandoned resettlement houses on "golden land", people thirst for affordable housing

Tuyết Lan |

In the context of people lacking affordable housing and having difficulty accessing social housing, the option of converting resettlement housing left vacant into social housing is considered a practical solution to increase the housing supply and create opportunities for people to settle down.

Dân thiếu nhà ở, loạt nhà tái định cư ở Hà Nội vẫn bỏ hoang


Trong khi nhu cầu nhà ở của người dân tại Hà Nội đang rất cao, trên địa bàn thành phố vẫn có nhiều tòa nhà tái định cư bỏ hoang.

Gần 7 tỉ đồng hỗ trợ di dời thuê nhà dự án kè và đường ven sông Đồng Nai


Đồng Nai - Ngày 8.7, Ban Quản lý dự án TP Biên Hòa cho biết đã phê duyệt hỗ trợ di dời thuê nhà được 12 đợt với kinh phí gần 7 tỉ đồng kịp thời chi trả cho các hộ dân sử dụng khi di dời bàn giao mặt bằng thực hiện dự án kè và đường ven sông Đồng Nai (tổng mức đầu tư gần 2.000 tỉ đồng).

Xét cấp tái định cư cho 1.175 hộ dân ở dự án cao tốc Biên Hòa - Vũng Tàu


Đồng Nai - Ngày 7.7, UBND huyện Long Thành cho biết, Trung tâm Phát triển quỹ đất huyện Long Thành đã chuyển đến UBND của 9 xã, thị trấn 1.175 trường hợp để thực hiện xét cấp tái định cư cho người dân thuộc dự án đường cao tốc Biên Hòa - Vũng Tàu. Hội đồng bồi thường đã thông qua 782 trường hợp.