Trợ cấp thất nghiệp

Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs responds to petition on unemployment benefits

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) responded to the proposal to amend the regulations on unemployment benefits in the Law on Employment (amended).

Support increasing unemployment benefits to 75% of average wages

Mạnh Cường |

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has proposed increasing unemployment benefits to 75% instead of the current 60%.

Cases not eligible for unemployment benefits

Quế Chi |

Regulations on conditions for unemployment benefits in the draft Law on Employment (amended) have changed compared to the Law on Employment 2013.

Increase unemployment benefits to at least 75%, add support for the unemployed

Phương Hân |

Proposing to increase monthly unemployment benefits; proposing that employees receive unemployment benefits for unemployment insurance participation periods of more than 144 months... are two of the suggestions of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor in the draft Law on Employment (amended).

Raising unemployment benefits, a reasonable proposal, should be supported

Hoàng Văn Minh |

The proposal to increase unemployment benefits from the current 60% to 75% in the draft revised Employment Law of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is receiving great attention from public opinion, especially from workers.

No job notification but still receive unemployment benefits

Nam Dương |

Reader with email asked: Are there any cases where unemployment benefits are still received without directly reporting employment status ?

Abandon unemployment benefits without pension?

Mạnh Cường |

In the draft revised Employment Law, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has added cases in which workers who have not received pensions are not entitled to unemployment benefits.

Does working abroad stop receiving unemployment benefits?

Nam Dương |

Readers can email to ask: If you are receiving unemployment benefits and working abroad under a contract, will your benefits be terminated?

Are you eligible for unemployment benefits if you quit your job continuously?

Hà Anh |

The social insurance agency answers questions from employees about not receiving unemployment benefits after quitting work many times.

Can I stop paying unemployment insurance after 13 years to receive unemployment benefits?

Hà Anh |

Mr. Bui Huy Anh has paid compulsory social insurance for 27 years and 11 months and has paid unemployment insurance for more than 13 years. Currently, Mr. Bui Huy Anh is wondering whether he can stop paying unemployment insurance to apply for unemployment benefits ?

Trợ cấp thất nghiệp tăng thế nào khi tăng lương cơ sở lên 2,34 triệu đồng/tháng

Nam Dương |

Đối với người lao động thuộc đối tượng thực hiện chế độ tiền lương do Nhà nước quy định, mức hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp hằng tháng tối đa không quá 5 lần mức lương cơ sở.

Làm thế nào để được hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp?

Hoàng Lê |

Theo Dự thảo Luật Việc làm (sửa đổi), để có thể được hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp thì những người lao động thuộc các đối tượng tại khoản 1 điều 86 Dự thảo này đang đóng bảo hiểm thất nghiệp phải đáp ứng các điều kiện nêu trên.