
Unexpected benefits of eggs for the brain


Eggs can help keep your brain sharp, help prevent cognitive decline and improve memory.

Low-carb menu with eggs helps reduce fat and lose weight


Eggs are a great addition to a low-carb diet, helping to increase satiety, reduce fat, and promote weight loss.

Foods that need to be washed to avoid poisoning during the monsoon season


Moisture speeds up the spoilage of foods , especially those that are high in water, because it creates ideal conditions for bacteria to grow.

3 dishes made from boiled eggs help lose weight

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Instead of just boiling eggs and eating them, add them to your weight loss menu with the 5 boiled egg recipes below.

Tips for boiling eggs without cracking the shell, delicious and easy to peel

NHÓM PV (THEO Aboluowang) |

Many people often crack eggshells when boiling them. Here are some tips to help you boil eggs without cracking and make them easier to peel.

Do raw or cooked eggs contain more protein?


Eggs are an excellent source of protein. So do raw eggs or cooked eggs contain more protein?

Low-carb foods are good for weight loss

Trần Hương (Theo Healthshots) |

Consuming excessive carbohydrates leads to cravings and causes blood sugar levels to rise. Choose your food wisely to follow a low-carb diet that is good for weight loss.

2 unique ways to preserve eggs

Tuấn Đạt |

Housewives can refer to two new but highly effective ways of preserving eggs , helping to keep eggs fresh for a long time.

Superfoods are high in protein and increase metabolism

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Superfoods with high protein content help increase metabolism, benefiting physical and mental health.

A healthy breakfast helps gain weight effectively


Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich breakfast helps gain weight effectively. Including peanut oatmeal, sausage with cheese omelet.

Lose weight quickly with 7 foods to eat on an empty stomach

Tuệ Nhi (THEO the healthsite) |

Here are some foods and drinks to use before eating that are good for losing weight and burning belly fat.

Is it safe to eat eggs every day?


Eggs are nature's multivitamin and are very good for health. However, many questions remain about the benefits and risks of eating eggs regularly.

Foods with a low glycemic index help with weight loss

Thanh Thanh |

The Eat this not that page offers a list of foods with a low glycemic index (GI) that help you lose weight.

3 món ăn nhẹ ít carbohydrate cho người bệnh tiểu đường


Một chế độ ăn uống khoa học, lành mạnh sẽ giúp bệnh nhân tiểu đường có cuộc sống khoẻ mạnh hơn. Sau đây là 3 món ăn nhẹ ít carbohydrate.

Những thực phẩm nên và không nên ăn khi bụng đói


Một số loại thực phẩm có thể cung cấp dinh dưỡng tức thời, trong khi những loại khác có thể tàn phá đường ruột của bạn khi bụng đói.