Visceral fat

Special effects of green vegetables help reduce visceral fat


Consuming green vegetables helps reduce visceral fat, which is one of the special and noteworthy benefits.

Which diet reduces visceral fat accumulation


Diet is very important in preventing and minimizing visceral fat accumulation.

The effect of eggs helps reduce visceral fat


Medical studies show that eggs also have a special effect in helping to reduce visceral fat.

Easy eating tips to burn calories, reduce visceral fat and lose weight


Simple eating tips to burn calories, reduce visceral fat and lose weight like baking with applesauce, skipping animal skin...

Types of water to drink before bed to reduce visceral fat


Not only do these drinks help you burn visceral fat, they also improve your overall health.

Visceral fat reducing effects of almonds


Almonds are not only nutritious food but also have been deeply studied for their effects in reducing visceral fat.

3 Carb-Free Foods That Burn Visceral Fat Effectively


A low-carb (carbohydrate) diet is suitable for people who want to reduce visceral fat.

Tea reduces visceral fat by mimicking the effect of fasting


Drinking kombucha tea may help reduce visceral fat by mimicking the effects of fasting.

3 foods containing magnesium help reduce visceral fat effectively


People who want to reduce visceral fat can add some foods containing magnesium to speed up the process.

Secret to effectively reduce visceral fat with perilla leaves


Perilla leaves are not only a familiar spice in Vietnamese cuisine but also a natural "miracle drug" that effectively reduces visceral fat.

Reasons why losing weight and reducing visceral fat helps prevent disease


Visceral fat can affect the body such as causing increased blood sugar, high risk of diabetes, reducing the body's detoxification process...

3 Types of Carbs to Include When You're Losing Visceral Fat


Here are some healthy carbohydrates that will keep you full and provide nutrients while you're losing visceral fat.

The reason why drinking okra water helps burn visceral fat effectively


Okra water is a drink that contains many nutrients and helps reduce visceral fat effectively.

Super effective secret to reduce visceral fat with rowing machine


The rowing machine is not only an effective workout equipment but also a remarkable secret to reducing visceral fat.

Fruits rich in vitamin C help reduce visceral fat extremely quickly


Oranges are not only a delicious fruit but also effective in reducing visceral fat.