War in Ukraine last week: Russia launched a super bomb, won big

Song Minh |

Russia won many new victories in Donbass, deployed the FAB-3000 super bomb, and destroyed a series of Ukrainian weapons last week.

RT reported that the Russia-Ukraine conflict over the past week was marked by fighting in many locations along the front line, with the Russian army reporting new advances in Donbass. Russian forces also continue to hunt for high-value assets in the Ukrainian rear, attacking redeployed troops and equipment.

On July 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of Urozhaynoye, a large village located southwest of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

The village has witnessed fierce fighting and suffered heavy damage over the past few months.

Drone footage shows Russian soldiers planting a flag on the roof of the local administrative building.

Russian soldiers raise the flag on the roof of the administrative building in Urozhaynoye. Video: Russian Ministry of Defense

On July 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense said the Russian army took control of Yuryevka, a small village located west of the town of Gorlovka, Donetsk.

This development appears to signal that Russian forces are expanding their control after breaching Ukrainian defenses last week, when troops entered the village of New York (also known as Novgorodskoye) northeast of Yuryevka.

Continue attacking the logistics facility

The Russian military continues to focus its efforts on attacking Kiev's military logistics facilities, including units and assets that are being redeployed.

Russian forces launched an attack on the train station in the village of Budy, Kharkiv region. The army used two Iskander tactical ballistic missiles to attack a train carrying a lot of military equipment.

According to Moscow's estimates, 20 pieces of equipment, including 3 German-supplied Marder infantry fighting vehicles, were destroyed in the attack, while up to 120 Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded.

Another Iskander attack was reported on July 16, when missiles carrying cluster warheads struck a Ukrainian training range near the village of Peresechnoye in the same area.

Russia deployed super heavy bombs

On July 14, the Russian Ministry of Defense officially acknowledged for the first time the use of the FAB-3000 "super bomb" with extremely high explosive power, equipped with a universal planning and calibration module (UMPK).

The military released a video showing the FAB-3000 being installed on a Su-34 fighter-bomber.

FAB-300 super bomb is deployed on Su-34 aircraft. Video: Russian Ministry of Defense

The Su-34 was seen carrying only a single bomb on the central tower. This bomb extends its wings immediately after separating from the aircraft and continues to glide into the target.

Another video featuring the winged FAB-3000 shows the altitude at which they are deployed. Rare footage shot from a Su-34 in clear weather shows the plane apparently dropping the giant bomb at an altitude of about 10,000 meters above ground.

FAB-3000 was dropped from an altitude of about 10,000 meters. Video: Russian Ministry of Defense

UAV Lancet destroys self-propelled guns

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Russian army destroyed the M109 Paladin self-propelled gun in the Kherson area with the Lancet UAV , and posted a video of the attack. This self-propelled gun is produced by the US and supplied to Ukraine.

UAV Lancet destroys M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery. Video: Russian Ministry of Defense

Lancet is classified as an attack UAV capable of operating for long periods of time on the battlefield. Unlike traditional UAVs, Lancet not only detects targets, but itself is an attack device with a small warhead designed for multi-purpose purposes from destroying motor vehicles, fortifications and groups. infantry.

Song Minh

Ukraina dừng vận chuyển dầu của công ty Nga đến EU

Ngọc Vân |

Hai nước EU cho biết Ukraina đã dừng vận chuyển dầu của công ty Nga Lukoil.

Nga cho nổ tung pháo binh và hàng chục UAV Ukraina

Ngọc Vân |

Nga phá hủy hàng chục máy bay không người lái của Ukraina cùng pháo tự hành M109 trong 24 giờ qua.

Nga bắn hạ hàng loạt vũ khí, máy bay Ukraina chỉ trong 1 ngày

Song Minh |

Nga bắn hạ 36 UAV, tiêm kích MiG-29 và hàng loạt pháo tự hành của Ukraina chỉ trong 1 ngày.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Ukraina nói về kết quả cuộc tấn công tỉnh Kursk của Nga

Thanh Hà |

Ukraina cho rằng, cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào khu vực Kursk đã làm chậm bước tiến của Nga trong khi phía Nga cho biết đã giành lại 10 ngôi làng.

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