EU talks about possibility of Ukraine conflict ending in 15 days

Ngọc Vân |

The EU high representative believes that the Russia-Ukraine conflict could end in 15 days without Western support for Kiev.

TASS reported that European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell believes that the conflict in Ukraine will end in 15 days without Western support for Kiev.

"Many people want the conflict to end as soon as possible," Mr. Borrell said in an interview with Spanish newspaper 20 Minutos.

"If we stop supporting Ukraine, the fighting will end in 15 days and Russian President Vladimir Putin will achieve his goals. But do we want that for the Ukrainian people and for our own safety, for the Europeans?" - Mr. Borrell added.

Cao uy EU Josep Borrell. Anh: Xinhua
EU High Commissioner Josep Borrell. Photo: Xinhua

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed that supplying new weapons to Ukraine will not change the situation on the front, but will only cause damage and prolong the conflict.

In another development, the Kremlin has responded to speculation about a deal to exchange Ukraine's territory for security.

RT quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that there was no "factual basis" for press reports about the plan.

Last week, the Financial Times reported that some Ukrainian and Western officials believe Kiev should stop trying to forcefully retake territories lost to Russia since 2014.

According to the British newspaper, the proposal assumes that "meaningful security guarantees could form the basis for a negotiated settlement in which Russia retains de facto, but not de jure, control over all or part of Ukraine's territory."

The approach implies “a tacit acceptance that those lands will be regained through diplomatic means in the future,” the paper said.

Canh tuong sau mot cuoc tan cong phao binh o Donetsk, thang 1.2024. Anh: Xinhua
Scene after an artillery attack in Donetsk, January 2024. Photo: Xinhua

Speaking on October 7, spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated, "There are a lot of publications on this issue, a lot of different academic theories... But there is no factual basis behind any of these discussions."

Commenting on the Financial Times article, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky affirmed in a video address on October 5 that he intended to ensure "reliable peace and security" for his country "without any bargaining over sovereignty or territorial exchanges".

President Zelensky added that Kiev would continue to push for a “victory plan” in the West. Although not made public, some media outlets said Zelensky’s roadmap called for NATO-style security guarantees from the West for Kiev, as well as a continued offensive in Russia’s Kursk province and the transfer of advanced Western-made weapons.

The Ukrainian leader received a lukewarm response when he presented his vision to US President Joe Biden and other senior officials in Washington last month, Bloomberg reported.

Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia was ready to immediately cease fire and start peace talks as soon as Ukraine withdrew its troops from Donetsk and Lugansk, along with Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.

However, in August, Mr Putin ruled out any engagement with Kiev as long as Ukrainian forces occupied parts of Russia's Kursk province.

Ngọc Vân

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