Russia says it's working on Nord Stream explosion

Khánh Minh |

Russia says it is ready to take the Nord Stream pipeline explosion to court if the West fails to investigate the incident.

The multibillion-dollar Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines carrying gas under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Europe were ruptured in a series of explosions in September 2022. No one has claimed responsibility for the blasts.

Reuters reported that on September 28, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow had filed a lawsuit with a competent court in the pre-trial process against Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, based on the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Financing.

"Legal actions in the pre-trial process, a mandatory stage under the conventions, are underway," the spokesman said.

"If the issue is not resolved at this stage, Russia intends to bring the case to court and appeal to the International Court of Justice regarding the violation of the obligations of the states concerned under the conventions. Other countries that may be involved in the Nord Stream explosion will be next. The West will not get away with attempts to cover up the incident," Zakharova stressed.

Moscow has repeatedly accused several Western countries of being behind the attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline, but both countries have denied the accusations.

German prosecutors said last month they had issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian diving instructor in Poland suspected of involvement in the attacks.

"The Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosions are serious acts of international terrorism under a number of international treaties, which stipulate obligations to prevent, suppress, investigate, prosecute and cooperate with other countries to achieve these goals. Unfortunately, we see that these commitments are not being fulfilled, despite Russia's repeated calls," Zakharova said.

TASS reported that speaking at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 28, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov called on the United Nations to investigate the Nord Stream sabotage incidents.

Ngoai truong Nga Sergei Lavrov keu goi Lien Hop Quoc dieu tra vu no Nord Stream. Anh: TASS
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called on the United Nations to investigate the Nord Stream explosion. Photo: TASS

Mr. Lavrov said that the UN Secretariat should not stand aside from determining the truth about the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

The Russian Foreign Minister noted that the West has always denied all accusations and will do everything again to hide the facts about the Nord Stream sabotage.

On September 26, 2022, unprecedented damage occurred to three branches of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office opened criminal proceedings on international terrorism in connection with this incident.

Khánh Minh

Tình báo Nga hé lộ nhiều chi tiết mới về vụ Nord Stream

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Nga thông báo mới nhất về vụ Nord Stream

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Nga tuyên bố sẽ hoàn tất điều tra các cuộc tấn công khủng bố Nord Stream để đảm bảo sự thật về vụ việc được công khai.

Đức tuyên bố về thủ phạm phá hoại Nord Stream

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