Russian Su-34 bombs and neutralizes Ukrainian troops in Kursk

Ngọc Vân |

The Russian army continues its operation to neutralize Ukrainian forces that have broken into the territory of Russia's Kursk province.

On September 29 local time, the Russian Ministry of National Defense posted a video saying that a Russian Su-34 bomber destroyed a Ukrainian base and forces in Kursk province.

Sputnik reported that the Ministry of National Defense also said that over the past 24 hours, units of the Northern Group of Forces repelled five Ukrainian counterattacks in the direction of the settlements of Lyubimovka, Kremyanoye and Plekhovo, and prevented attempts to attack in the direction of Olgovka and Pogrebki, as a result of which the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered up to 60 dead and wounded, and lost two armored fighting vehicles and one car.

Units of the Northern Group of Forces continued to conduct offensive operations and defeated formations of 10 Ukrainian brigades in the area of ​​the settlements of Lyubimovka, Darion, Novy Put, Nikolaevo-Daryino and Plekhovo.

On September 29, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk province amounted to more than 400 servicemen, 9 armored units, including 1 tank and 8 armored fighting vehicles, an artillery piece, a Czech-made RM-70 Vampire MLRS launcher and 9 cars.

Russian Su-34 attack aircraft bombed and neutralized Ukrainian positions and forces in Kursk province. Video: Russian Ministry of National Defence

The Russian Ministry of National Defense stressed that since the start of the offensive in Russia's Kursk province in early August, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost more than 18,560 troops, 133 tanks, 64 infantry fighting vehicles, 97 armored personnel carriers, 850 armored fighting vehicles and 550 other vehicles.

In addition, Ukraine lost 146 artillery pieces, 32 MLRS launchers, including 8 HIMARS and one US-made MLRS, 8 launchers of air defense missile systems, 5 transport vehicles, 38 electronic warfare stations, 9 counter-battery radars, 2 air defense radars, 18 engineering units and other equipment, including 11 technical clearance vehicles, one UR-77 mine clearance system and one armored repair and recovery vehicle.

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