World last week: Russia's gold reserves hit historic milestone

Anh Vũ |

Mr. Trump announced a plan to prevent de-dollarization, Russia's gold reserves reached a historic milestone... are notable news of the week.

Boeing spacecraft returns to Earth without crew

On September 6, Boeing's Starliner spacecraft separated from the International Space Station (ISS) and returned to Earth without a crew. Initially, two NASA astronauts were scheduled to return with the Starliner after eight days of testing, but due to a propulsion system failure, the mission was extended to eight months.

Starliner returned automatically, landing in New Mexico on September 7. The incident cost Boeing $125 million and raised questions about the company's future in the space industry.

Elon Musk reveals Mars launch date

Elon Musk announced plans to launch unmanned Starship spacecraft to Mars within the next two years. According to a post on social network X on September 7, these spacecraft will test the ability to safely land on the red planet.

If successful, SpaceX will continue to conduct manned flights within four years. Musk's ultimate goal is to build a self-sustaining city on Mars within 20 years, marking a major step forward in SpaceX's space exploration ambitions.

Russia's gold reserves near historic milestone

According to Reuters on September 8, Russia's gold reserves reached $188.8 billion, accounting for more than 30% of total international reserves, marking the first time in nearly 25 years that the proportion of gold has reached this level. The value of gold reserves increased by 5.1% in August, thanks to the increase in gold prices to $2,513/ounce.

This is the highest level since January 2000. Russia's foreign exchange reserves continued to increase, reaching 613.7 billion USD at the beginning of September. Nearly half of the foreign exchange reserves are frozen due to sanctions related to the Ukraine conflict.

Israeli airstrike hits Gaza emergency services chief

On September 8, Israel carried out an airstrike on the home of the deputy director of the Gaza Civil Emergency Department, Mohammad Morsi, in Jabalia, killing him and four of his relatives. With Morsi's death, the number of members of the agency killed by Israeli fire since October 7, 2023 has increased to 83. Airstrikes in various parts of the Gaza Strip have also killed at least 15 people. Internet and information outages have hampered relief efforts and communications.

Trump announces plan to prevent de-dollarization

On September 10, former US President Donald Trump announced that he would impose a 100% tax on countries that abandon the US dollar in international transactions. During a campaign rally in Wisconsin, he pledged to maintain the US dollar's status as the global reserve currency, while warning that countries seeking to replace the US dollar would pay a heavy price.

The trend of using national currencies instead of the US dollar is increasing, especially after economic sanctions against Russia. Mr. Trump also pledged to reduce the use of sanctions if re-elected.

Ukraine launches major attack on Russia with UAVs

On September 10, Ukraine launched a massive attack on Russia with 144 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including 20 UAVs around Moscow, causing serious damage. The attack killed one person and temporarily closed three airports in the Russian capital.

Other areas such as Bryansk and many others were also attacked. This is one of the largest UAV attacks from Ukraine into Russia, showing the increase in the intensity of Kiev's attacks on Russian infrastructure and military facilities in recent times.

Anh Vũ

Dự trữ vàng của Nga tiến gần mốc lịch sử

Song Minh |

Dự trữ vàng của Nga đạt kỷ lục mới và tỉ trọng vàng trong dự trữ quốc tế của nước này cũng tiến gần mốc lịch sử.

Phát hiện quá trình tạo ra khối vàng tự nhiên lớn

Cao Thảo |

Các nhà khoa học phát hiện rằng, động đất tạo ra áp lực và điện tích trong mạch thạch anh, giúp hình thành khối vàng lớn.

Phát hiện kho báu vàng trong loạt mộ cổ Ai Cập

Ngọc Vân |

Hàng chục ngôi mộ cổ Ai Cập 2.500 năm tuổi chứa kho báu vàng nguyên vẹn vừa được phát hiện.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.

Cháy nhà trong ngõ nhỏ tại Cầu Giấy, khói cao hàng chục mét


Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


UBND huyện Lệ Thủy (tỉnh Quảng Bình) sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế nếu các hộ dân không thực hiện đúng quy định, phương án giải phóng mặt bằng.

Giám định nguyên nhân, phân định trách nhiệm vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Bộ Xây dựng vừa có công văn gửi UBND tỉnh Phú Thọ về việc giải quyết sự cố công trình cầu Phong Châu.

Russia's gold reserves near historic milestone

Song Minh |

Russia's gold reserves hit a new record and the share of gold in the country's international reserves is also approaching a historic mark.

Discovery of the process of creating large natural gold blocks

Cao Thảo |

Scientists discovered that earthquakes create pressure and electrical charges in quartz veins, helping to form large blocks of gold .

Discovery of Golden Treasure in Ancient Egyptian Tombs

Ngọc Vân |

Dozens of ancient tomb of ancient Egypt dating back 2,500 years have recently been discovered to contain intact gold treasures.