Ukraine responds to Slovakia's ultimatum over blocking Russian oil

Thanh Hà |

Ukraine is ready to address the issue of Russian oil transit with Slovakia.

Latest news on Ukraine blocking Russian oil flow from Lukoil to Slovakia and Hungary, reported by Reuters on July 30, states that Ukraine ensures oil transportation for companies not under sanctions and is ready to resolve issues related to oil transit to Slovakia under the EU association agreement.

The information was shared by Ukrainian Deputy Energy Minister Roman Andarak on the same day.

Deputy Minister Roman Andarak stated that Ukraine is "ready to resolve issues that may cause trouble" when Slovakia activates a related mechanism in the EU Association Agreement.

"So far, Slovakia has not activated this mechanism," Andarak told Reuters.

The Ukrainian Deputy Energy Minister also added that Kiev "ensures uninterrupted oil transportation" for all companies not under Western and Ukrainian sanctions.

Deputy Energy Minister Roman Andarak stated that other Russian oil suppliers are not experiencing disruptions in oil delivery through Ukraine, and Ukraine remains a reliable partner for the EU in oil transit services.

Earlier, on July 29, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico declared that the country would stop supplying diesel to Ukraine if Kiev does not restore the flow of Russian oil supplied by Lukoil through the pipeline on Ukrainian territory.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico emphasized that Kiev blocking the oil supply from Russian producer Lukoil would harm Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary. Photo: MOL
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico emphasized that Kiev blocking the oil supply from Russian producer Lukoil would harm Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary. Photo: MOL

According to TASS, in a message on July 29, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico emphasized that Kiev blocking the oil supply from Russian producer Lukoil would harm Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary and would not affect Russia's interests.

"If the supply of Russian oil through Ukraine is not resumed as soon as possible, Slovnaft (one of the largest refineries in Central Europe, located in Bratislava) will stop supplying refined oil, which meets 1/10 of Ukraine's demand," the Slovak Prime Minister warned.

Fico stated that he had "repeatedly called" his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmygal about the situation of Ukraine blocking the Russian oil pipeline and had met with the Ukrainian Ambassador in Bratislava to discuss. Bratislava is giving the highest attention to this issue and emphasizes the restoration of the Russian oil supply.

At the end of June, Ukraine imposed sanctions on Lukoil - one of Russia's largest oil companies - banning the company from operating on Ukrainian territory and preventing Russian oil supplied by the company from being transported through the pipeline in Ukraine to refineries in Slovakia and Hungary.

Slovakia, along with Hungary, has increased pressure after Ukraine imposed sanctions on Lukoil.

Currently, both Slovakia and Hungary together supply about 10% of the diesel oil consumed by Ukraine. Ukrainian analysts say Kiev can cover this from other sources.

Thanh Hà

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