18 ministries, 17 localities have not allocated all the money

Lan Nhi |

Vice Chairwoman of the Finance and Budget Committee Vu Thi Luu Mai said that up to now, there is still a sum of money that has not been allocated in detail to 18 ministries and 17 localities.

On October 2, at the National Assembly House, the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee held its 25th Plenary Session to examine the implementation of the 2024 State budget, the State budget estimate, the central budget allocation plan for 2025; the 3-year financial plan for 2025-2027; the 2024 public investment plan and the projected public investment plan for 2025.

Presenting the Preliminary Review Report, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Vu Thi Luu Mai said that in 2024, the socio-economic situation will be affected by many domestic and foreign factors.

Pho Chu nhiem Uy ban Tai chinh - Ngan sach cua Quoc hoi Vu Thi Luu Mai trinh bay bao cao tham tra so bo tai phien hop. Anh: Quochoi.vn
Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Vu Thi Luu Mai said that up to now, there are still unallocated amounts of money for 18 ministries and 17 localities. Photo: Quochoi.vn

Along with positive economic growth, the State budget revenue in 2024 is estimated to increase compared to the estimate assigned by the National Assembly. In particular, some domestic revenue items increased significantly, revenue from equitization and divestment of State capital in enterprises reached many times higher than the estimate, and domestic tax debt increased compared to December 31, 2023.

Up to now, there are still unallocated funds for 18 ministries and 17 localities, and the disbursement progress of development investment expenditure is still slow.

Regarding some contents that the Government requested opinions on, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee said that it is necessary to continue to carefully review the remaining revenue sources, improve the quality of forecasting work to strive to increase revenue in 2024 at the highest level, as a basis for building a more positive State budget revenue estimate for 2025.

Toan canh phien hop. Anh: Quochoi.vn
Overview of the meeting. Photo: Quochoi.vn

Presenting the Report on the implementation of the public investment plan in 2024 and the expected public investment plan in 2025, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong informed that in 2024, the work of perfecting mechanisms, policies, laws, and reforming administrative procedures on public investment will continue to be promoted, submitting to the National Assembly for promulgation of many important documents, creating a legal basis for implementing public investment.

Regarding the 2025 Public Investment Plan, the Government determined that investment must be focused on priority areas, ensuring a harmonious, reasonable and effective investment structure between regions, areas and fields, both increasing growth momentum and ensuring social security, national defense and security.

The Government also strives to disburse over 95% of the public investment plan from the State budget in 2025 assigned by the Prime Minister.

Lan Nhi

Bộ Tư pháp thực hiện kiểm tra ở nhiều địa phương


Bộ Tư pháp kiểm tra công tác đăng ký biện pháp bảo đảm bằng quyền sử dụng đất, tài sản gắn liền với đất tại một số địa phương.

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Ngọc Vân |

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Khương Duy |

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A series of localities have new regulations on land division

Thạch Lam |

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