Hanoi collects more than 100 billion VND for the state budget from anti-smuggling

Thế Kỷ |

In September 2024, the functional forces in the Hanoi City Steering Committee 389 inspected and examined 1,706 cases, handled 1,432 cases,... related to counterfeit and smuggled goods.

State budget revenue of 119.1 billion VND in September 2024

Information from the Hanoi Steering Committee 389 said that in September 2024, the functional forces of the City Steering Committee 389 continued to implement plans, including: Plan No. 111/KH-BCD389 dated November 22, 2022 of the National Steering Committee 389 on strengthening the fight against smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal transportation of goods through international airports;

Plan No. 92/KH-BCD389 dated September 13, 2022 of the National Steering Committee 389 on strengthening the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods on border routes, sea areas and inland areas;

Plan No. 399/KH-BCD389 dated October 9, 2020 of the National Steering Committee 389 on strengthening the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in e-commerce activities; Notice No. 381/TB-VPCP dated August 15, 2024 on the conclusion of the Head of the National Steering Committee 389 at the National Online Conference to review the work of the first 6 months of the year and the direction and tasks for the last 6 months of 2024 of the National Steering Committee 389.

Accordingly, Hanoi Steering Committee 389 directed member departments and branches to deploy the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods, focusing on the following plans and documents: Plan No. 03/KH-BCD389/TP dated February 29, 2024 of the City Steering Committee 389 on the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in the city in 2024;

Plan No. 04/KH-BCD389/TP dated March 14, 2024 of the City Steering Committee 389 on disseminating political tasks in the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in 2024; Conclusion Notice No. 339/TB-VP dated July 29, 2024 of Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee Nguyen Manh Quyen - Head of Steering Committee 389 Hanoi at the Conference to review the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods in the first 6 months of the year, deploying tasks for the last 6 months of 2024 in the area; Decision No. 4139/QD-UBND dated August 12, 2024 of the City People's Committee on strengthening the City Steering Committee 389.

As a result, in September 2024, the functional forces in the City's Steering Committee 389 inspected and examined 1,706 cases, handled 1,432 cases, handled 1,424 administrative violations; prosecuted 8 cases, with 9 defendants. Of which, 209 cases involved banned and smuggled goods, 78 cases involved counterfeit goods violating intellectual property rights, and 1,145 cases involved commercial fraud. The total amount collected and paid to the state budget was 119.1 billion VND.

Perform each unit's role well

According to the report, in September 2024, the Hanoi Market Management Department performed well its role as the Standing Agency of the City's Steering Committee 389, the advice Head of the City's Steering Committee 389, implementing the directives of the National Steering Committee 389 and the City People's Committee; monitoring and urging member departments, branches and Steering Committee 389 of districts, towns to carry out the task of fighting against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods according to assigned functions, fields and areas.

The Hanoi Market Management Department issued Official Dispatch No. 970/QLTTHN-NVTH dated September 11, 2024, directing its market management teams to strengthen market inspection, control, and supervision, and overcome the consequences of storm No. 3 in the area; continue to implement inspection tasks according to issued thematic plans.

During the month, the City Market Management Department inspected and examined 319 cases, handled 291 administrative violations, and imposed administrative fines of VND3.88 billion. The value of the violated goods was VND1.813 billion.

Luc luong QLTT Ha Noi kiem soat chat thi truong thuc pham trong thoi gian sau con bao so 3 (Bao Yagi). Anh: Cuc QLTT Ha Noi
Hanoi Market Management Department strictly controls the food market after storm No. 3 (Storm Yagi). Photo: Hanoi Market Management Department

Hanoi Police directs professional departments, police of districts, towns to grasp the situation of routes, areas, and subjects to develop plans and solutions to combat and destroy networks, groups, and locations storing, producing, trading, and transporting prohibited goods, smuggled goods, producing and trading counterfeit goods, goods violating food safety regulations, violations in e-commerce activities, and other violations according to the provisions of law.

During the month, the City Police inspected 164 cases, handled 169 administrative cases, imposed administrative fines of VND1,542 billion; collected and recovered VND5,78 billion in taxes; and the value of infringing goods was VND3,886 billion. Prosecuted 8 cases and 9 defendants.

Hanoi Customs Department has strengthened information collection, grasped the situation, applied synchronous customs control measures, strictly controlled routes, areas, key goods, prohibited goods, goods with high tax rates, large value of goods, counterfeit goods, and goods violating intellectual property.

In particular, strengthening the fight against drugs; inspecting and controlling temporary import, re-export, transit, transshipment, investment, processing, production, export; and immigration activities to promptly detect, arrest, and handle smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal transportation of goods across the border.

During the month, Hanoi Customs Department detected, arrested, and handled 127 cases, administratively sanctioned 7.9 billion VND, and the value of violated goods was 4 billion VND.

Along with that, other member departments and branches of the Hanoi Steering Committee 389 continue to implement the directive documents of the Government, the National Steering Committee 389, the City People's Committee and the City Steering Committee 389 on the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods according to their functions and management areas.

The Steering Committee 389 of districts, towns and cities shall effectively implement the directives of superiors on strengthening the fight against smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods. Direct local authorities to do a good job of basic investigation, grasp the area and plan inspection and control of essential groups and industries; organize the fight to prevent and resolutely not let hot spots of smuggling, trade fraud and counterfeit goods occur in the management area.

Continue to strengthen the dissemination of laws on anti-smuggling, production and trade of banned goods, counterfeit goods, and food safety violations on mass media, radio systems of communes, wards, markets, commercial centers, and supermarkets.

Thế Kỷ

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