3 groups were proposed to be considered for the Ho Chi Minh Medal

Vương Trần |

The Ministry of National Defense is collecting opinions on 25 groups proposed to be considered for awarding the Medal.

Implement regulations in Clause 2, Article 46 of Decree No. 98/2023/ND-CP dated December 31, 2023 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Emulation and Commendation; The Ministry of National Defense's electronic information portal publicly posts a list of 25 collectives that have been proposed to be awarded the Ho Chi Minh Medal by the Party Committees and commanders of agencies and focal units under the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense. , Independence Medal, Fatherland Defense Medal and Labor Medal of all ranks to collect opinions from the people, officers and soldiers.

The comment period is until August 20, 2024.

Accordingly, there are 3 units proposed to be considered for the Ho Chi Minh Medal: Military Region 4; Communications Corps and Military Hospital 175.

There is one unit proposed to be considered for the Independence Medal, First Class: Southern Helicopter Company, Army Corps 18.

There are 8 units proposed to be considered for the First Class Fatherland Defense Medal. They are: Army 15; Political Department, Military Region 4; Thanh Hoa Provincial Military Command, Military Region 4; Quang Tri Provincial Military Command, Military Region 4; Division 2, Military Region 5; 575th Engineer Brigade, Military Region 1; Institute of Military Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Corps; Organization Department, Political Department, Military Region 1.

There are 6 units proposed to be considered for the Second Class Fatherland Defense Medal. They are: Quang Ngai Provincial Military Command, Military Region 5; Gia Lai Provincial Border Guard, Border Guard; Institute of Design, General Department of Logistics; Doan An Nursing 296, Political Department, General Department of Logistics; Finance Department, Military Region 1; Technical Department, Command for the Protection of President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum.

There are 5 units proposed to be considered for the Third Class Fatherland Defense Medal. They are: Regiment 335, Division 324, Military Region 4; Military Drama Theater, General Department of Politics of Vietnam People's Army; Group 195, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Protection Command; Group 275, Command to Protect President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum; Political Department, Command for the Protection of President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum.

There is 1 unit proposed to be considered for the First Class Labor Medal. That is: One-member limited liability company 74, Army Corps 15.

There is 1 unit proposed to be considered for the Third Class Labor Medal. They are: Faculty of Information Security, Academy of Cryptographic Technology, Government Cipher Committee.

Vương Trần

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