The Ministry of Home Affairs proposes to remove the computer skills test in civil servant recruitment


According to Ministry of Home Affairs, the unification of removing mandatory computer skills tests in civil servant recruitment will reduce administrative procedures in line with the Government's policy.

Many notable contents have been proposed by the Ministry of Home Affairs in the draft Decree amending Decree 138/2020 on the recruitment, use, and management of civil servants.

The issue of recruitment, use, and management of civil servants has received much attention from readers. Especially whether to remove the computer and foreign language exams in the process of recruiting and selecting civil servants or not?

Regarding this content, recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs proposed in the draft Decree amending Decree 138/2020 on the recruitment, use, and management of civil servants.

Accordingly, in cases where individuals have previously been officials or civil servants and are then transferred or rotated to positions that are not civil servants, they must be transferred or rotated by a competent authority in writing to work at other agencies, organizations, or units as required by the task; it is not required to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience at the agency, organization, or unit to which they are transferred or rotated.

In cases where district-level officials or civil servants are transferred or rotated to become commune-level officials or civil servants, the competent authority will decide on the transfer based on work requirements.

Notably, the draft decree clearly stipulates that individuals with relationships such as spouses, biological parents; parents (in-law), adoptive parents; biological children, adopted children; siblings; aunts, uncles, cousins; siblings of the spouse; spouses of siblings of the candidate; individuals currently under disciplinary action or executing disciplinary decisions; individuals who have been disciplined for corrupt or negative behavior in personnel work should not be appointed as members of the examination and assessment council.

When accepting civil servants for appointment to leadership or management positions, it is not necessary to establish an examination and assessment council, but they must meet all the standards and conditions for appointment and acceptance.

In contributing to the draft decree, the Ministry of Justice proposed adding regulations on the form of assessing computer proficiency according to the requirements of the recruitment position in cases of civil servant selection and acceptance.

The Ministry of Home Affairs believes that the unified removal of mandatory computer exams in civil servant recruitment is in line with the development trend of society, reducing administrative procedures in accordance with the Government's policy.

Therefore, for the forms of recruitment, selection, and acceptance into civil service, there is no requirement for an assessment of computer proficiency. For job positions requiring high professional computer skills, it will be organized in the specialized exam section.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggested adding regulations that allow the head of the recruiting agency to decide whether candidates need to submit foreign language certificates when applying for job positions that require foreign language proficiency higher than the general framework set by the Government.


Bộ Nội vụ trả lời về chế độ phụ cấp cho viên chức


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Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

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Hoàng Bin |

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57 người dân Làng Nủ an toàn, còn 33 nạn nhân mất tích

Đinh Đại |

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Người dân TPHCM thích thú khi tận mắt thấy hàng trăm siêu xe

Anh Tú - Thanh Vũ |

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Thanh Bình - Khánh Linh |

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