Ministry of Home Affairs speaks about the new level of state award items.


Currently, Ministry of Home Affairs is seeking opinions from relevant authorities to serve the issuance, replacement, and re-issuance of certificates of state-level honors previously awarded.

Before the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly, the Ministry of Home Affairs received an opinion from the Head of the Delegation of National Assembly members of Thái Nguyên Province. According to that, the voters of Thái Nguyên Province proposed that the Central Propaganda and Awards Committee guide the issuance of new Awards of Merit, Medals of the Liberation Soldier for individuals who meet the standards as per Decision No. 6B-VP/MT dated July 6, 1966 of the Central Committee of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam and issue new Awards of Merit, Medals for individuals who have been issued Certificates of Merit as per Guidance No. 1971/HD-CT dated November 27, 2013 of the General Political Department.

Regarding this matter, the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a reply to the voters of Thái Nguyên Province.

Ministry of Home Affairs stated that, according to Article 114 and 115 of Decree No. 98/2023/NĐ-CP dated December 31, 2023 of the Government, the regulations on the issuance of state-level awards are as follows: For state-level awards previously established (currently not regulated in the Law on Emulation and Reward), they are issued according to the model at the time the collective or individual was awarded.

The award certificate is printed according to the design at the time the collective or individual was awarded, with the lower right corner of the certificate pre-printed with the model seal and the signature of the person with the authority to award at that time.

Currently, the Ministry of Home Affairs (Central Propaganda and Awards Committee) is seeking opinions from relevant authorities on the use of the model seal of state agencies and the model signature of leaders with the authority to award over the years, in order to serve the issuance, exchange, and re-issuance of awards of state-level awards previously established (including the Award of Merit, Medal of the Liberation Soldier, etc.).

Immediately after receiving opinions from relevant authorities, the Ministry of Home Affairs will notify the ministries, branches, mass organizations, and localities to implement the issuance, exchange, and re-issuance according to the regulations.


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