The Ministry of Home Affairs talks about assigning communal civil servants


According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the assignment of the number of officials and civil servants to each commune-level administrative unit is under the authority of the district-level People's Committee.

Ms. Nguyen Lam (in Dien Bien) said that after the Provincial People's Council had a Resolution on assigning the number of commune-level cadres and civil servants of each district, the Provincial People's Committee also decided to assign the number of commune-level cadres and civil servants of each district. each district, according to the provisions of Decree 33.

After that, the District People's Committee decided to assign a number of commune-level officials and civil servants to each commune and town, but took the payroll from class I communes to assign them to class II communes (without the factor of population growth and acreage).

Ms. Lam gave an example: Commune A is a class I commune according to Decree 33 and will be assigned 22 payrolls, commune B is a class II commune according to Decree 33 and will be assigned 20 payrolls. However, the decision of the District People's Committee assigned commune A to 21 people and commune B to 21 people.

Both of these communes are not allowed to increase their payroll because there is no factor in population growth and area increase. The Provincial People's Council only assigned the total number according to the number of class I and class II communes according to Decree 33.

"Is this assignment by the People's Committee of this district in accordance with Decree 33? Is it possible to take the payroll of a type I commune and transfer it to the payroll of a type II commune?" - Mrs. Lam wondered.

Regarding Ms. Nguyen Lam's reflections and recommendations, the Ministry of Home Affairs has provided feedback at the Electronic Information Portal.

Regarding the assignment of payroll to commune-level officials and civil servants according to the provisions of Decree No. 33/2023/ND-CP: According to the provisions of Article 6 of Decree No. 33/2023/ND-CP, the assignment of the number of officials, Civil servants for each commune-level administrative unit fall under the jurisdiction of the district-level People's Committee.

Accordingly, the number of commune-level officials and civil servants may be lower than the regulations for commune-level administrative units of type III or higher than the regulations for commune-level administrative units of type I but must ensure it does not exceed The total number of commune-level officials and civil servants of the entire district-level administrative unit assigned by the Provincial People's Council.

Thus, the assignment of commune-level cadres and civil servants of the People's Committee of Dien Bien district as reflected above is carried out in accordance with regulations.


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