What will the salaries of civil servants and public employees be like after 2026?


After 2026, the Ministry of Home Affairs will propose to conduct research on salaries and new allowances of the public sector according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW on salary reform.

The issue of implementing new salary tables and allowances for the public sector continues to receive the attention of many readers and voters. Many questions arise about the expected salary of officials, civil servants and public employees after 2026.

Recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs has chaired and coordinated with relevant ministries and agencies to develop and report to the Government, the National Assembly, and the Politburo on problems and inadequacies if new salary tables are implemented (Table position salaries, professional salary tables for cadres, civil servants, and public employees and 3 salary tables for the armed forces) and new allowances in the public sector in accordance with Resolution No. 27- Resolution/TW on salary policy reform for cadres, civil servants, public employees, armed forces and employees in enterprises.

The Politburo has issued Conclusion No. 83-KL/TW on salary reform, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services and social benefits from July 1, 2024; The National Assembly has issued Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 (Resolution of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly) directing the implementation of public sector salary policy reform according to the roadmap, ensuring compatibility with the capacity of the economy. economy, state budget and social consensus.

Based on the Conclusion of the Politburo and the Resolution of the National Assembly, the Government has issued Decree No. 73/2024/ND-CP regulating the base salary and bonus regime for officials, civil servants and employees. authorities and armed forces.

Accordingly, base salary is adjusted from 1.8 million VND/month to 2.34 million VND/month from July 1, 2024 (an increase of 30%); Implement salaries and income for agencies and units that are applying specific financial and income mechanisms at the Central level.

At the same time, implement a bonus regime on the basis of unexpected work achievements and results of assessment and ranking of the level of annual task completion of subjects receiving salaries from the state budget (equivalent bonus fund). 10% of the total salary fund, excluding allowances), assign responsibility to the heads of agencies and units to develop specific regulations to implement the bonus regime applicable to subjects on the pay list. salaries of agencies and units.

Decree 73/2024/ND-CP also clearly stipulates the funding source to implement a 30% increase in base salary and bonus regime from July 1, 2024.

To overcome the shortcomings and limitations of the current wage regime, based on the Politburo's Conclusion, the National Assembly's Resolution and the Government's direction, the Ministry will coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies. Continue to perfect the salary increase regime, current allowance regimes and salary and income management mechanism for officials, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces.

The Ministry of Home Affairs also researches and proposes the implementation of new salary tables and allowances for the public sector according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW accordingly to submit to the Central Government for consideration after 2026 as required in Conclusion 83-KL/TW of the Politburo.


Bãi bỏ hàng loạt văn bản về tiền lương công chức


Nhiều văn bản liên quan đến chế độ tiền lương công chức, viên chức được bãi bỏ chính thức có hiệu lực từ 1.10.2024.

Có tiếp tục tăng lương công chức viên chức?


Bạn đọc Trần Hà hỏi: Sau năm 2026 mới tăng lương công chức viên chức hay vẫn sẽ tăng trong khoảng thời gian này?

Tiền lương công chức có giảm khi cắt 5% chi thường xuyên?

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Nghị quyết 119/NQ-CP năm 2024 có quy định tiết kiệm, cắt giảm 5% chi thường xuyên ngân sách Nhà nước, vậy tiền lương của công chức có bị ảnh hưởng?

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Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


Đến nay, các hồ thủy điện đang thực hiện xả điều tiết gồm Tuyên Quang (1 cửa), Thác Bà (2 cửa), Trung Sơn (3 cửa), Bản Vẽ (3 cửa).

Abolish a series of documents on civil servant salaries


Many documents related to the salary regime for civil servants and public employees have been officially abolished, effective from October 1, 2024.

Will civil servant salaries decrease when cutting regular expenses by 5%?

Minh Hương |

Resolution 119/NQ-CP in 2024 has regulations on saving and cutting 5% of regular state budget expenditures, so will the salaries of civil servants be affected?