On December 27, Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee held a conference to summarize the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW.
Based on the orientation and principles of the Central Steering Committee and the Government's organization and apparatus arrangement and streamlining, and based on the situation and characteristics of the province; the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Steering Committee of Ca Mau province on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Party Central Committee (Resolution 18) have oriented after arranging, streamlining focal points, adjusting functions and tasks of party organizations, agencies and units.
Initially, Ca Mau province reduced 10 provincial-level focal points, including 1 Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee; reduced 6 departments, branches, and 3 public service units; internal organizations at the provincial level reduced 35 departments, branches, and equivalent; district level reduced 42 departments, branches, and equivalent.
At the conference, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Steering Committee of Ca Mau province provided specific information on the orientation of the arrangement of district level, Party committees, Party organizations; District People's Committees and affiliated specialized departments.
Accordingly, maintain 4 specialized departments including: Justice, Finance - Planning, District Inspectorate, Office of People's Council and People's Committee. Merge the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs and the Department of Home Affairs, the expected name after the merger is the Department of Home Affairs and Labor. Establish the departments: Economy, Infrastructure and Urban; Culture, Science and Information; Agriculture and Environment; Health. End the task of the Department of Ethnic Minorities and transfer the task to the Department of Home Affairs and Labor. The Department of Education and Training receives additional tasks and functions of vocational education from the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.
Secretary of the Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Tien Hai noted: Immediately overcome the shortcomings, limitations, and obstacles in the work of arranging and organizing the apparatus with streamlining the payroll associated with job positions. This work must be done in accordance with regulations and scientifically. Identifying the right job, the right person, improving efficiency and work performance, the payroll will certainly be reduced.
Immediately overcome shortcomings in the work of evaluating and classifying the quality of cadres, Party members, civil servants and public employees. End the situation of favoritism, avoidance, carelessness, incorrect and inaccurate evaluation, leading to difficulties in streamlining the payroll.
The Secretary of the Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee said that this is a revolution in the arrangement and streamlining of the organizational apparatus in the entire political system of the Party and State, done publicly, transparently and for the common good, for the great cause.
The Provincial Party Secretary requested that Party committees, authorities and the entire political system must be clear in ideology, unified in action, seriously, resolutely and voluntarily implement Resolution 18 and the directions of the Central and the province on the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus; improve the quality and maximize the use of human resources associated with streamlining the payroll. Ensure the principles of unity, synchronization and connectivity in the implementation of the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Pay special attention to policies to retain competent, well-trained people who are committed and dedicated to their work.