Urgently handling project, land issues in the conclusions of inspection reports


Vice Prime Minister emphasizes that handling and resolving all projects and land issues in the conclusions of investigation is an urgent task, must be done with responsibility.

On August 9, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha chaired a working session with the leaders of some ministries, branches, and localities of the central government, the National Assembly, and localities to discuss the plan to implement the direction of the Politburo on the solution to difficulties and obstacles related to projects, land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments in some provinces and cities.

In his speech at the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that this is a very difficult and complex issue, but it is of great importance in unlocking a large state, business, and people's resource to serve economic and social development.

The violations at the projects and land mentioned in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments in some provinces and cities are related to history and the changes in policies and laws over the years, as well as violations in state management work. Many of these violations cannot be rectified or handled without special mechanisms and policies.

"The removal of difficulties and obstacles in projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments in some provinces and cities is a crucial premise for solving similar projects and land nationwide," Deputy Prime Minister said.

Delegates provided their opinions on the draft plan for implementation, the reorganization of the working group, and the tasks of each ministry, branch, and locality according to the Politburo's direction.

Scene of the meeting. Photo: Minh Khôi
Scene of the meeting. Photo: Minh Khôi

Confirming that HCMC will complete the assigned tasks according to the plan, Chairman of HCMC People's Committee Phan Van Mai requested the government to soon issue a decree amending many decrees. The National Assembly should pass a resolution on special mechanisms and policies for projects and land with violations according to the Politburo's direction; and requested inspection agencies, prosecution agencies, and judicial agencies to soon issue written conclusions for specific projects.

In his conclusion, Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the need to strictly implement the Politburo's direction on removing long-standing difficulties and obstacles in projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments in some provinces and cities.

"This is an urgent task that must be done with a sense of responsibility," Deputy Prime Minister required.

Deputy Prime Minister requested the Government Inspectorate to consider and report to the Prime Minister on the reorganization and supplementation of the working group's members; and requested ministries, branches, and localities to closely follow the content, requirements, and tasks according to the Politburo's direction.

Provinces and cities, according to their authority, should, with the support and guidance of ministries, branches, and the active participation of localities, proactively remove difficulties and obstacles for projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments; review and list similar projects and land, and report to the competent authorities for consideration and handling.

By August 15, the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, Planning and Investment, Construction, Finance, the State Bank of Vietnam, and Justice should complete the review of difficulties and obstacles in their respective management fields (land, planning, bidding, auction, citation, and application of precedents) in the process of handling projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments.

They should then propose and report to the working group and the Prime Minister the mechanisms and policies that need to be amended and supplemented according to their management authority, and the Prime Minister and the Government, the National Assembly.

In September 2024, ministries, branches, and localities will issue full legal documents (circulars, standards, technical regulations, resolutions of the People's Council, decisions of the People's Committee) to remove difficulties for projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments; and submit to the Government and the Prime Minister for the issuance of decrees amending and supplementing, and decisions according to their authority.

The Ministry of Justice will chair and coordinate with other specialized ministries to draft and submit to the National Assembly a draft resolution on special mechanisms and policies to remove difficulties and obstacles for projects and land in the conclusions of inspections, checks, and judgments.


Thanh tra, xử lý các vi phạm trong hoạt động khai thác than


Thủ tướng Chính phủ chỉ đạo tăng cường thanh tra, kiểm tra, xử lý các trường hợp vi phạm các quy định về an toàn lao động trong các hoạt động khai thác than.

Kiểm kê đất đai trên phạm vi cả nước từ ngày 1.8


Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Trần Hồng Hà vừa ký Chỉ thị số 22/CT-TTg ngày 23.7 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc kiểm kê đất đai năm 2024.

Thủ tướng yêu cầu tăng cường thanh tra, kiểm tra công vụ


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu tăng cường thanh tra, kiểm tra công vụ; kiên quyết chấn chỉnh, khắc phục tình trạng né tránh, đùn đẩy trách nhiệm.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

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Nhật Minh |

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