Thanh tra Chính phủ

Resolving issues for projects and land in inspection conclusions and verdicts


The Deputy Prime Minister of the Government emphasized that the most important thing is to identify the right people and clear tasks in organizing the project and land clearance in the inspection conclusion and verdict.

Inspect highway projects, prevent bid collusion and bid trading


The Ministry of Public Security and the Government Inspectorate have done a good job of inspection, preventing corruption, negativity, waste, and fighting bid collusion and bid trading.

11 management leaders dismissed due to corruption


According to the Government Inspectorate, in 2024, 38 heads and deputy heads will be disciplined due to lack of responsibility for allowing corruption to occur .

Duc Long Gia Lai Group continues to be named by inspectors

Lam Duy |

Not only owing land rent for many years, the Government Inspectorate also requested to stop the project of Duc Long Gia Lai Group due to non-implementation.

Government Inspectorate proposes solutions to fight corruption and negativity


In recent times, the work of preventing corruption and negativity has been well implemented, but this situation still arises and exists.

Proposal to review the leadership of the Ministry of Construction in 2 phases

Lam Duy |

The Government Inspectorate recommended that the Prime Minister direct the Ministry of Construction to organize a review to take collective disciplinary action against the ministry's leadership in the 2007-2008 and 2016-2017 periods.

Inspecting the implementation of social housing projects


Responding to voters, the Government Inspectorate said it will inspect the implementation of social housing projects in commercial housing projects.

Disciplined 4 people for declaring assets and income dishonestly


The Government Inspector General said that four people were disciplined for dishonestly declaring their assets and income.

Inspectors discovered many violations when DIC was equitized

Lam Duy |

The Government Inspectorate pointed out many violations when inspecting law enforcement in equitization and divestment at the Development Investment Construction Company (DIC).

Duc Long Gia Lai Group was named by the Government Inspectorate

Lam Duy |

According to the Government Inspectorate, Duc Long Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company owes land rent for many years.

Investigating signs of tax evasion in buying and selling land at auction in Gia Lai

Lam Duy |

The Government Inspectorate requested the Ministry of Public Security to direct the investigation and strictly handle business practices and land transfer at auction with signs of tax evasion in Gia Lai.

Responsibility of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee in 8 violations

Lam Duy |

The Government Inspectorate has just transferred information about cases in Gia Lai to the Ministry of Public Security for review and handling of violations.

Transfer to the Ministry of Public Security information on many cases in Gia Lai

Lam Duy |

The Government Inspectorate transferred information about cases in Gia Lai to the Ministry of Public Security for review and handling according to regulations for violations.

154 solar power projects are mentioned in the inspection conclusions


Many solar power projects proposed by localities have not been updated in the plan because they are on the list of 154 projects mentioned in the conclusions of the Government Inspectorate.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has taken note of the opinions regarding the work of the home affairs inspection agency.


Over the next period, the Ministry of Home Affairs will seek the opinion of the Government Inspectorate on the necessity of issuing a procedure for specialized inspection in the field of Home Affairs.