The Inspection Team of the Secretariat works at the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs

Vương Trần |

Inspection Team No. 1354 of the Secretariat worked with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.

This morning (August 6), Inspection Team No. 1354 of the Secretariat led by Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Committee Nguyen Trong Nghia worked with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Labor. - War Invalids and Social Affairs inspects the leadership, direction and organization of implementation of Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021 of the 13th Party Central Committee on "Promoting Party building and rectification and the political system; resolutely prevent, push back, and strictly handle cadres and party members who degrade in political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, showing signs of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation", according to VNA.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia acknowledged and highly appreciated the direction, leadership, and organization of implementation of Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. Congress , has thoroughly grasped the contents of Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW to each Party Committee, affiliated cell and party members in the entire Party, focusing on creating changes in the work of building and rectifying Party, proactively prevent and strictly handle cadres who show signs of political deterioration, "self-evolution" and "self-transformation".

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia proposed that, through the inspection, the Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Ministry, party committees, and leaders of units under the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs continue to enhance their roles and responsibilities, Strengthen leadership and direction for good implementation of Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW in the coming time.

Regarding leadership and direction to organize the implementation of Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs said that the implementation of Conclusion No. 21 is an important task. , is always of interest to the Party Committee and Party Committee of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. The Party Committee and the Ministry's Party Committee have directed party committees and heads of units to organize and seriously implement the Party's regulations and guiding documents on the implementation of Conclusion No. 21 through many form.

Typically, organizing conferences, thoroughly grasping, giving specialized talks, issuing internal guidance documents, thoroughly grasping and reminding through briefing meetings, party cell activities, and unit activities; Regularly and seriously deploy learning, research, propaganda, and thorough dissemination of Conclusion No. 21. Every year, party committees and party cells organize at least one thematic event on construction and rectification. party and political system.

Along with that, all officials and party members have built and implemented a commitment to strive, cultivate and train according to Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, Regulation No. 37 -QD/TW and Regulations on responsibility for setting an example; advised the Central Executive Committee, Politburo, Secretariat, National Assembly, Government, Prime Minister to promulgate and promulgate according to authority many mechanisms and policies to perfect the policy system, laws in the fields of labor, people with meritorious services and society, including a number of important policies that have a profound impact on the social security of people; promulgate management and administration documents to ensure publicity and transparency; Review, supplement, complete and promulgate a system of rules and regulations; Promote administrative reform and strengthen management of cadres and party members.

Vương Trần

Ban Bí thư ra chỉ thị về đổi mới đào tạo nghề cho lao động nông thôn

Vương Trần |

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Vương Trần |

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Ngọc Vân |

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