Spreading good traditional moral values
Over the past 95 years (1930 - 2025), since its inception, our Party has firmly established and affirmed its leadership role, strength and prestige through its own mettle, determination, morality and intelligence; through pioneering theories, correct guidelines, and through the examples and sacrifices of many generations of cadres and Party members.
The process of building and developing socialism in Vietnam in the new era requires comprehensive development of material and spiritual civilization and improvement of all aspects of people's life. This requires continuing to build and perfect the revolutionary moral values of cadres and party members in the new era of development - the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise.
Inheriting, applying and creatively promoting the fine traditional cultural and ethical values of the Vietnamese people and the Party is an immutable principle in building revolutionary ethics of cadres and party members in the new era of development.
The Communist Party of Vietnam is a political party equipped with an advanced theoretical system. The Party's ethical culture is the crystallization of the nation's good, progressive, and civilized ethical culture. The Party takes Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as its guiding ideology, implements communism as its highest goal, takes communist ethical culture as the code of conduct for communist party members, and calls it revolutionary ethics.
Inheriting that spirit, the revolutionary ethics of cadres and party members in the new era need to absorb and spread the fine traditional ethical values of the Party - a vanguard, revolutionary party, a ruling party leading the State and society; and according to President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam must be the embodiment of "the honor and conscience of the nation"[1], "ethics and civilization"[2].
However, inheriting the traditional ethics of the nation and the Party is not a simple look back at the past, nor is it a literal application of the ethical values from the past to the present. It requires dialectical selection, eliminating the old and backward and promoting the new and progressive; eliminating negative elements, inheriting positive values; respecting traditional ethical values and understanding historical values.
Ideals and noble goals
Adhering to revolutionary ideals is an inevitable requirement in building revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members in the new era of national development.
The Communist Party of Vietnam has identified communism as a noble ideal since its founding. The reason why our Party can stand firm in the face of countless storms of history is because our Party has noble ideals and goals, which are the compass leading the revolution and forming a correct revolutionary line; over the 95 years since its founding, our Party has proven to be truly “ethical and civilized” because it has pure and beautiful revolutionary ideals.
The Party takes the realization of the noble ideals of communism as its highest goal, the interests of the people and the nation as its core goal, collectivism as its moral principle, holds high the banner of patriotism and internationalism, forms a spirit of selfless dedication, tenacious and persistent struggle in revolutionary practice, and courageous sacrifice, not afraid of difficulties and hardships, forming a unique and lasting system of spiritual values.
As the premise of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels affirmed: “Communists... have absolutely no interests other than those of the entire proletariat”[3] and President Ho Chi Minh - the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam also emphasized: “For the common interests of the Party, of the revolution, of the class, of the nation and of mankind, they do not hesitate to sacrifice all their own personal interests. When necessary, they are ready to sacrifice their own lives without regret. That is a very clear and noble manifestation of revolutionary morality”[4].
It can be said that the revolutionary ideal has an extremely great value and significance. It not only has an ideological core, scientific theory, vividly expressing the worldview, outlook on life and values of proletarianism, it also contributes to strengthening the belief, arousing the fighting spirit and responsibility of communists - the key to help our Party overcome difficulties and challenges on the road ahead and successively achieve great victories of great historical significance.
[1] Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, op. cit., vol. 9, p. 412
[2] Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, ibid, vol. 12, p. 403
[3] C. Marx and F. Engels: Complete Works, National Political Publishing House Truth, Hanoi, 2005, vol.4, p.614.
[4] Ho Chi Minh: Complete Works, ibid, vol. 11, p. 602