Resolutely and persistently fight and prevent corruption

Quang Việt |

In sharing on the 79th anniversary of the People's Public Security Force's Traditional Day, Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang mentioned the work of fighting corruption crimes .

Continuing to write glorious pages of history with brilliant victories

On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the Traditional Day of the People's Public Security Force (August 19, 1945 - August 19, 2024) and the 19th anniversary of the Festival of All People Protecting National Security (August 19, 2005 - August 19, 2024), Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang - Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee, Minister of Public Security discussed the missions of the People's Public Security force in the new era for a strong, prosperous Vietnam. People are increasingly happy, according to the Government Electronic Information Portal.

Minister Luong Tam Quang said that after nearly 80 years of building, fighting and growing up, with a heroic tradition, the People's Public Security force has continued to write its glorious pages in the new era with great achievements. a brilliant victory, thanks to the struggles and sacrifices of generations of officers and soldiers.

In particular, firmly protect national security early, from afar, strengthen the security belt from beyond territorial borders, in cyberspace and new space; protect the Party, protect the Party's ideological foundation, fight against wrong and hostile views.

Continuously attack, suppress, and reduce crimes against social order; fiercely fight to eliminate gangs, criminal groups, drug criminals, organized crime, and black credit crimes.

On the difficult and fierce front of fighting crime and protecting security and order, in the midst of peacetime, the blood of police officers and soldiers is still shed, hundreds of public officers and soldiers He heroically sacrificed his life, thousands of comrades were injured while on duty.

Resolutely and persistently fight against corruption and negativity

Minister Luong Tam Quang outlined a number of key tasks in the coming time, including firmly protecting national security; Absolutely protect the security and safety of important goals and events, immediately including party congresses at all levels and the 14th Party Congress; Don't let sudden passivity happen in any situation.

Curb and reduce crime sustainably; Resolutely and persistently fight against corruption and negativity according to functions and tasks; continue to take the lead in digital transformation and administrative reform to serve the people; Build communes, move towards districts and provinces with no crime or vices, where people can live in a secure, safe, orderly and disciplined environment.

Building a truly clean, strong, regular, elite and modern People's Police force; Party committees and organizations at all levels are united and strong; A team of cadres with strong political will, clear revolutionary ethics, firm in the law, professional expertise, dedicated to "Serving the Fatherland, serving the People", knowing only "As for the Party, there is still yourself", "Honor is the most noble sacred thing".

Regarding the breakthrough task of building, supplementing, and perfecting mechanisms, policies, and laws on protecting security and order to meet practical requirements, especially new, difficult, and difficult problems. non-traditional security challenges; build a truly clean, strong, regular, elite and modern police force; Strengthen research and application of scientific and technical achievements, advanced and modern technology in all aspects of police work.

In the coming time, the fight against corruption and negativity will continue to be resolutely and persistently carried out by the Police force in accordance with the mottos "non-stop", "non-stop", "no restricted areas". , no exceptions", "regardless of who that person is", "handle a case that alerts the entire region and field", ensuring the principles, goals, tasks, and solutions that the Party, directly is the Central Steering Committee for preventing and combating corruption and negativity, setting out, leading and directing.

In addition, we will actively advise on overcoming loopholes and shortcomings in implementing the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State discovered through the investigation and handling of cases and incidents. corruption, negativity, minimizing the causes and conditions that criminals can take advantage of to commit crimes.

Quang Việt

Kiểm soát quyền lực, chống tham nhũng trong xây dựng luật


Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh việc tăng cường kiểm soát quyền lực, phòng, chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực trong công tác xây dựng pháp luật.

Bộ trưởng Lương Tam Quang: Kiên quyết chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực trong công tác cán bộ

Bảo Tuấn |

Bộ trưởng Bộ Công an Lương Tam Quang yêu cầu triển khai hiệu quả, toàn diện các mặt công tác tổ chức cán bộ với tinh thần “trong sáng, gương mẫu, tinh thông”.

Chống tham nhũng, xử lý cán bộ vi phạm giúp củng cố niềm tin


Công tác phòng, chống tham nhũng, xử lý cán bộ vi phạm thực hiện nghiêm, góp phần củng cố niềm tin và xây dựng khối đại đoàn kết toàn dân.

Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN thăm, tặng quà người dân bị thiên tai tại Hà Giang

Nguyễn Tùng |

Ngày 14.9, ông Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (Tổng LĐLĐVN) cùng đoàn công tác tới thăm, tặng quà đoàn viên, công nhân viên chức lao động và người dân bị thiệt hại do lũ lụt tại Hà Giang.

Haaland lập cú đúp giúp Man City đánh bại Brentford


Brentford đã không thể tạo nên cú sốc trước Man City tại vòng 4 Ngoại hạng Anh, dù đã dẫn trước ngay ở giây thứ 22.

Thị trường ế ẩm, bánh Trung thu truyền thống vẫn đắt hàng

Phương Anh |

Hà Nội - Trái với cảnh nhiều điểm bán bánh Trung thu ế ẩm dù giảm giá, khách vẫn xếp hàng dài chờ mua bánh Trung thu truyền thống trên phố Thụy Khuê.

Giờ thứ 9: Trả về nguyên quán - Phần 2

Nhóm PV |

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Di dời cả bản hơn 100 hộ ở Sơn La trước nguy cơ sạt trượt

Minh Nguyễn |

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