On the afternoon of November 8, the National Assembly discussed in groups the draft Law on Chemicals (amended).
Delegate Mai Van Hai (Thanh Hoa Delegation) raised the importance of control in the business of special chemicals.
The delegate pointed out that in recent times, management has revealed laxity and weakness in controlling the trading of special chemicals.
This delegate gave examples of some heartbreaking cases of using cyanide to kill relatives. There were families of 3-4 people poisoned with this toxic chemical.
Delegate Mai Van Hai pointed out that the root cause of the above situation is lax management. "Nowhere is it easier to buy cyanide than in Vietnam," the delegate said.
Therefore, delegates believe that the trading of special chemicals and toxic chemicals needs to be strictly regulated.
Currently, the draft law has stipulated the conditions for organizations to trade in special chemicals but does not stipulate the conditions for organizations and individuals to purchase them. Therefore, delegates suggested that the draft law should stipulate specific conditions for chemical buyers. Because if they buy them for improper use, it is very dangerous.
Delegate Pham Khanh Phong Lan (HCMC Delegation) said that people are very interested in the management of chemical trading.
"Reading the news, I was shocked, 2.5 tons of cyanide were illegally traded, and collusion was arrested. But the problem is how much of that cyanide reached the market and it can be said that we are the only country that can buy chemicals easily.
Or like talking about the frequency of throwing acid at each other all day, the problem is where to get that acid to throw, how to buy it. Let's try going to another country, will chemicals be as easy to buy?" - delegate Pham Khanh Phong Lan asked.
According to the delegate, the law does not highlight this, so if the law is amended without any changes, it will remain the same, which directly affects the safety of the people.
Also discussing hazardous chemicals and banned chemicals, delegate Nguyen Quoc Hung (Ha Nam delegation) recommended that the drafting agency and the reviewing agency need to strengthen the conditions for organizations and individuals allowed to transport chemicals.
"We not only transport chemicals by road but also by rail and waterway. We request that the drafting agency pay close attention to transportation work, licensing conditions, and responsibilities of transporting organizations and individuals," said delegate Nguyen Quoc Hung.
Besides, the delegate said that it is necessary to clarify the consistency and uniformity of this bill with the Law on Management of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools.
Regarding special chemicals and banned chemicals, delegates suggested studying more in-depth regulations on the field of chemical testing and use. Because the current draft law does not have strict regulations on the above issue, it is necessary to further regulate buying and selling activities such as controlling cyanide.