Determined to build a strong Party and a prosperous, democratic, fair and civilized Vietnam


Article by General, Professor, Doctor To Lam, General Secretary of the Party Central Committee, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: "Determined to build a strong Party, a strong and prosperous Vietnam , democracy, fairness, civilization".

" The birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a brilliant milestone in the heroic history of 4,000 years of building and defending the country of the civilized and heroic Vietnamese people, a major turning point in our country's revolutionary history. There is the Party, under the leadership of the Party, beloved President Ho Chi Minh, comrades General Secretary of the Party Central Committee through the periods, including comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Party has led Vietnam's revolutionary leadership overcame all difficulties and challenges, continuously moving forward. Under the leadership of the Party, our people won victory after victory, creating many miracles, liberating the nation. unify the country, bring our country step by step towards socialism and stand shoulder to shoulder with the powers of the five continents.

With the correct political policy, limitless loyalty to the interests of the nation and class, flesh and blood attachment to the people and a faithful and pure spirit of international solidarity, the Party has gathered and united the classes, people from all walks of life, revolutionary struggle movements, building a large and widespread revolutionary force, expelling the invading French colonialists with the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu "splendid in five continents, Earth-shaking”; carry out the socialist revolution in the North, the national democratic revolution in the South, steering the Vietnamese revolutionary ship to complete victory.

The motherland is unified, the whole country is moving towards socialism in the context of countless difficulties and challenges, the Party continues to affirm its intellectual level, bravery, pioneering nature, with a scientific and revolutionary nature; initiated, constantly perfected, and led the entire Party, people, and army to successfully carry out the reform process, bringing Vietnam from an underdeveloped country to a developing, middle-income country, People's lives are increasingly prosperous, happy, prestigious, and their position in the international arena is increasingly enhanced.

On the basis of an accurate assessment of the country's position and strength, opportunities, advantages, difficulties, and challenges, with high political determination wholeheartedly serving the country and the people, the 13th Party Congress has planned a policy. develop the country until 2030, vision to 2045; set strategic goals for 100 years under the Party's leadership, 100 years of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, by the middle of the 21st century, our country will become a developed country socialist oriented; Strongly arouse in the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army the spirit of patriotism, the will for national self-reliance, compassion, the strength of great national unity, and the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country. . Having gone 2/3 of the way, up to now the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress has achieved many achievements and landmark results.

The developments in recent years show that the world is in a period of epochal change. From now until 2030 is the most important period to determine the new world order. Peace, cooperation, and development are still the main trends, but competition between major countries is increasingly fierce, with Asia-Pacific being the most fiercely competitive area. Hostile and reactionary forces have never given up plotting to overthrow the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist regime in Vietnam; aggressively carry out the strategy of "peaceful evolution" with many increasingly sophisticated, cunning and sinister methods and tricks; thoroughly take advantage of comprehensive and extensive international integration to penetrate internally and promote "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" factors in order to disintegrate our Party and our regime from within. Non-traditional security challenges cause many negative impacts; The emergence and development of cyberspace along with the fourth scientific and industrial revolution with unprecedented scale and speed, bringing a new era that underdeveloped and developing countries can take advantage of. Take advantage of opportunities, take shortcuts, develop rapidly, become powerful countries or fall into a deep hole of falling behind if you do not take advantage of opportunities.

To take full advantage of opportunities and advantages, repel risks and challenges, enhance potential and strength to successfully implement the strategic goals set by the 13th Party Congress; The entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army need to strive, join hands, inherit and strongly promote the glorious tradition and valuable experience of our Party; maximize the spirit of "autonomy, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-reliance, and national pride"; constantly exploring and opening up great new prospects for human and social development. Firmly adhere to Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the goal of national independence, socialism and the Party's innovation path. Consistently socio-economic development is the center, Party building is the key, cultural development is the spiritual foundation, ensuring national defense and security is important and constant; Maximize internal resources and take advantage of external resources, in which internal resources and human resources are the most important. Pay special attention to and constantly strengthen unity within the Party, great solidarity of the entire nation, and the close blood relationship between the Party and the People. From the Central Committee to the Party cell, each cadre and party member must strive to "preserve unity and consensus within the Party like preserving the pupil of one's eye"[1]; The Party must mobilize the entire intelligence and strength of the entire nation and the strength of the era in the work of building and protecting the socialist Fatherland of Vietnam.

Maintain independence and autonomy; ensuring the highest national and ethnic interests on the basis of basic principles of international law; Defend the Fatherland early and from afar; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development; Strengthen Vietnam's practical contributions to maintaining peace in the region and the world. Resolutely and persistently protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and integrity of the Fatherland's territory, seas, islands, and airspace. Persist in a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization, diversification, being a friend, a reliable partner, and an active and responsible member of the international community; steadfast in stance, viewpoint and practice of the art of diplomacy in the new era based on the core Vietnamese character of "Being unchanging, adapting to all changes", "being filial", "using kindness instead of force".

Firmly maintain the stance, viewpoint and practice of "the people are the root", "The people are the subject, the center of the reform"; All guidelines and policies must truly come from the lives, aspirations, legitimate rights and interests of the people, taking the people's happiness and prosperity as the goal to strive for; ensuring that all people enjoy the fruits of innovation and development, live happily in a safe and secure environment, and no one is left behind. Building a socialist law-governed state of the People, by the People, for the People, led by the Communist Party of Vietnam; respect for the Constitution and the law; respect, ensure, and effectively protect human rights and civil rights; have a professional, rule of law, and modern administrative and judicial system; The state apparatus is lean, clean, effective and efficient; The team of cadres, civil servants, and public employees have sufficient qualifications, capacity, prestige, are truly professional, have integrity, and wholeheartedly serve the Fatherland and the People.

Continue to promote Party building and rectification; resolutely and persistently fight against individualism, against the deterioration of ideology, morality, and lifestyle, against corruption and negativity in the Party with the motto "non-stop", "no rest", "no zone". prohibit, no exceptions", "no matter who that person is", "handle one case, alert the whole region, the whole field". At the same time, focus on removing institutional difficulties and obstacles; continue to promote administrative procedure reform; enhance openness and transparency through digital transformation; expand development space; Create the highest favorable conditions for all normal activities within the framework of the law, contributing to building the country and improving the lives of people of organizations, individuals, businesses, and entrepreneurs at home and abroad. Closely combining power control with doing a good job of political and ideological education, educating revolutionary traditions, building our Party to be truly pure, strong, "moral, and civilized".

Comprehensively and synchronously promote innovation, develop the country quickly and sustainably, and strengthen national potential. Build and synchronously perfect institutions to develop a modern, integrated socialist-oriented market economy. Strongly promote investment, production and business; Maximize social resources for sustainable development of the country, environmental protection and adaptation to climate change. Comprehensive human development; Building an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich in national identity, is truly the spiritual foundation of society, an endogenous strength, and an important driving force for national development.

Highly focus on work to successfully organize party congresses at all levels towards the 14th Party Congress; Organize well the summary of 40 years of national innovation, inheriting important theoretical achievements on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam that has been established by generations of Party leaders, in Among them, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong concluded and proposed the right path to help the country continue to develop comprehensively in the coming time.

We believe that, under the leadership of the glorious Communist Party of Vietnam; closely combining true patriotism with fine traditions, spirit and quintessence of the nation, constantly absorbing the quintessence of human culture; with the bravery and steadfast revolutionary ideals of the cadres and party members; With the people's wholehearted trust, love and support, the country's renewal will definitely win great victory, our Fatherland will become increasingly prosperous, our people will become increasingly happy and prosperous, our country will increasingly develop. Prosperity, strength, steady progress towards socialism, successful implementation of the strategic goals set by the 13th Party Congress and the teachings of the great President Ho Chi Minh are also the wishes of the entire community. "Our entire Party and people unite to strive to build a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and strong Vietnam, making a worthy contribution to the world revolutionary cause"[2] .

[1] 35 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh's Will, Publishing House. National Politics, Hanoi, 2004, p.37.

[2] 35 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh's Will, Publishing House. National Politics, Hanoi, 2004, p.40.


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