Increase pensions commensurate with salary increases for officials and civil servants


Voters and people hope that the Party and State will continue to adjust pension increases commensurate with salary increases for officials and civil servants.

On October 21, at the 8th Session, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Do Van Chien reported on the synthesis of opinions and recommendations of voters and people sent to the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly.

According to Mr. Do Van Chien, voters and people expressed joy and excitement when the country's economy continued to recover and develop, with each quarter higher than the previous one.

People expect to strive to complete all 15 main targets set for 2024; control inflation, maintain the value of the Vietnamese currency; and complete key national projects as planned.

Voters and people are still concerned and worried that storm No. 3 (storm Yagi) will cause huge damage to 26 northern provinces and cities, making people's lives more difficult and increasing the risk of falling back into poverty. Therefore, they hope that the Party and State will have more fundamental policies, solutions and strategies to ensure people's safety against the great impacts of climate change.

Voters and people are still concerned that public educational institutions in big cities are not meeting the learning needs of students. There is still no feasible solution to the situation of both surplus and shortage of teachers; there are still concerns about violence against students, especially young children and girls in kindergartens and preschools...

Cac dai bieu du ky hop. Anh: Pham Thang
Delegates attending the meeting. Photo: Pham Thang

Voters and people acknowledge the efforts of the health sector and the efforts of doctors in examining and treating people, basically overcoming the shortage of drugs, biological products, and medical supplies for examination and treatment.

However, voters and people believe that there is still a lack of a list of health insurance drugs; the advertising of functional foods and medicines is not clear and transparent, the quality is not controlled, causing frustration for consumers; some large hospitals have not invested in construction in a synchronous manner, have not been put into operation, and have not served the people, causing waste.

Voters and people are upset about some abnormal “religious phenomena” that show signs of taking advantage of organizing activities that go against morality and ethics, affecting the beliefs of those who follow true religions. Voters recommend that the Party and the State have more effective management solutions to quickly end this situation.

Voters who receive salaries from the state budget are happy and excited when their salaries increase, prices are basically stable, and their lives are improved.

Voters and people hope that the Party and State will continue to pay attention to directing the handling of some shortcomings in salary increases for some occupations; continue to adjust pension increases commensurate with salary increases for officials and civil servants.

It is recommended that there be strict disciplinary action against those responsible for not organizing citizen receptions or receiving citizens in a perfunctory manner, not sincerely listening to and truly resolving citizens' petitions.

Voters who are workers and low-income earners wish to buy social housing, but by the end of 2024, the progress of investment projects is very slow, and the subjects eligible to buy social housing still have some shortcomings that need to be considered and resolved promptly.

Voters and people expect the Party and State to objectively assess the main causes of corruption, negativity, and waste in order to have more fundamental and effective solutions to prevent and combat them.


Do not let group interests and local interests in the laws


According to National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the Law needs to cut down and simplify administrative procedures; not to allow group interests or local interests in the laws.

Today, the National Assembly conducts the process of electing the President


On the first working day of the 8th session, the 15th National Assembly conducted the process of electing the position of President.

Reaction of foreign visitors eating Hanoi's first-time fried worm rolls


The Filipino guy who ate the shrimp paste for the first time commented that it was not scary, the flavor mainly came from the omelet egg and dill mixed in the paste.

Cold air causes bad weather before storm number 6


The meteorological agency warned that on the night of October 22, due to the influence of cold air, the North East Sea area will have strong winds of level 6, sometimes level 7, gusting to level 8-9, and rough seas.

20h News: Hoping to continue adjusting pension increases


20:00 News October 21: Pension increase commensurate with salary increase for officials and civil servants; Whole family in Quang Nam bitten by rabid dog after adopting a stray dog;...

Vietnamese football and the role of female coaches


Former players Van Thi Thanh, Doan Thi Kim Chi... continue to affirm their roles as coaches in Vietnamese women's football teams.

Forecast of the appearance of storm No. 6 in the East Sea


A tropical depression in the eastern Philippines is likely to strengthen into a storm and enter the East Sea on October 25.

Update on the closing price of gold on October 21: Skyrocketing, breaking records


Updated gold price closing session 10/21 increased sharply in both domestic and world markets.

Do not let group interests and local interests in the laws


According to National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the Law needs to cut down and simplify administrative procedures; not to allow group interests or local interests in the laws.

Today, the National Assembly conducts the process of electing the President


On the first working day of the 8th session, the 15th National Assembly conducted the process of electing the position of President.

2,7 triệu người cao tuổi được tăng lương hưu


Cả nước hiện có khoảng 2,7 triệu người cao tuổi đang hưởng lương hưu, trợ cấp BHXH hằng tháng, hơn 14,6 triệu người cao tuổi có thẻ bảo hiểm y tế.