Increase the number of members of the Central Committee of the Fatherland Front


The expected number of members of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term X, is 405 people, an increase of 20 people compared to term IX.

On October 4, in Hanoi, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front held a press conference to inform and introduce the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term 2024-2029.

Speaking at the press conference, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Huu Dung said that in order to meet the requirements of the Front's work in the new situation, the documents of this Congress were built on the basis of closely following the Party's new policies.

At the same time, summarize and thoroughly evaluate the situation of the Front's work from the grassroots level, widely collect opinions from sectors, member organizations and people of all walks of life and have new outstanding points.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Dung emphasized 5 new points:

Firstly, the title of the draft political report of the Congress expressed a new viewpoint on the core political role and overarching tasks of the Front in the new revolutionary period, aiming at the highest goal of building an increasingly prosperous Vietnam, and our people having a prosperous and happy life.

Second, the draft political report adds a number of new results and tasks from practice, demonstrating the sense of responsibility, creativity and flexibility of the Front, with results that are moving and widely spread among the people.

Cac dai bieu tham su hop bao. Anh: Pham Dong
Delegates attending the press conference. Photo: Pham Dong

Third, the political report supplements the content of comments and general assessments of the 40-year renovation process of the Vietnam Fatherland Front according to the Party's guidelines.

Fourth, the direction and goals for the 2024-2029 term are specifically and feasiblely determined, while clearly supplementing quantitative targets for implementation.

Fifth, a new action program was added: “Promoting the people’s role as masters and self-management, building a united, prosperous and happy residential area”. The program aims to focus activities on the grassroots and residential areas, promoting the people’s role as self-management and mastery, following the motto “using the people’s strength to care for the people’s lives”.

Regarding the personnel plan submitted to the Congress, Mr. Nguyen Huu Dung said that the expected number of members of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front for the 10th term is: 405 people (an increase of 20 people compared to the 9th term). Of which, 249 people will be re-elected (61.5%), while 156 people will be newly elected (38.5%).

The number of members of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term X, is 72 (an increase of 10 compared to term IX). Of these, 49 people were re-elected (68.1%), while 23 people were newly elected (31.9%).

The 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term 2024-2029, will take place on October 16, 17 and 18, 2024 in Hanoi.

The expected number of delegates attending the Congress is nearly 1,400.

Of which, the official delegates attending the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, term 2024-2029 are 1,052 delegates.


Mặt trận Tổ quốc tiếp tục sao kê thông tin người ủng hộ bão lũ


MTTQ Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục sao kê đầy đủ thông tin của những tổ chức, cá nhân chuyển tiền ủng hộ để người dân tham gia theo dõi, giám sát.

Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam có thêm 2 tổ chức thành viên mới


Hội Cựu Công an nhân dân Việt Nam và Hiệp hội Công chứng viên Việt Nam được công nhận làm tổ chức thành viên của Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam ở Trung ương.

Xem xét công tác nhân sự Mặt trận Tổ quốc


Hội nghị tập trung bàn bạc, thống nhất một số nội dung thuộc thẩm quyền, trong đó có công tác nhân sự để tổ chức thành công Đại hội MTTQ Việt Nam lần thứ X.

Trình bổ sung nhân sự quy hoạch Trung ương khóa XIV

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The Fatherland Front continues to compile information on flood and storm supporters


The Vietnam Fatherland Front will continue to fully record information of organizations and individuals transferring donations so that people can participate in monitoring and supervision.

Vietnam Fatherland Front has 2 new member organizations


The Vietnam Association of Former People's Police Officers and the Vietnam Association of Notaries are recognized as member organizations of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at the Central level.

Review of personnel work of the Fatherland Front


The conference focused on discussing and agreeing on a number of issues within its authority, including personnel work to successfully organize the 10th Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.