Government Inspectorate proposes solutions to fight corruption and negativity


In recent times, the work of preventing corruption and negativity has been well implemented, but this situation still arises and exists.

Corrupt behavior is increasingly sophisticated.

Voters in An Giang province said that in recent times, the work of preventing and combating corruption and negativity (PCTNTC) has been well implemented, thereby detecting and handling many organizations and individuals with violations.

However, according to voters, this situation still occurs, so there needs to be a synchronous solution, combined with strict handling of violations to prevent it more effectively in the future.

With this content, voters in Ho Chi Minh City also proposed to further strengthen the supervision and inspection work to promptly detect and handle corruption cases. It is necessary to promptly take measures to overcome petty corruption and harassment of businesses and people.

Regarding this issue, Government Inspector General Doan Hong Phong said that the work of anti-corruption continues to be promoted, achieving many important results, some higher than last year; affirming strong determination, "non-stop", "non-rest", "no forbidden zones, no exceptions" in the fight against anti-corruption.

The work of building and perfecting institutions on corruption prevention and control continues to be promoted, gradually forming a strict mechanism to make "corruption impossible".

The work of inspection, supervision, auditing, investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments have all been promoted, promptly detecting and strictly handling many violations...

However, according to Mr. Doan Hong Phong, the situation of harassment, negativity, and causing trouble for people and businesses in the administrative and public service sectors has not been effectively prevented.

Corruption in many areas remains serious and complicated, with increasingly sophisticated manifestations, causing outrage in society. Anti-corruption work in some localities, ministries and sectors has not seen clear changes; self-inspection and detection of corruption and negativity within the sector is still a weak link.

Some agencies, organizations, units, and localities, especially leaders, have not been truly exemplary and resolute; words have not matched actions in leading, directing, and implementing PCTNTC work; there are still places where people are deferential and evasive.

Inspect areas prone to corruption

In the coming time, the Government and relevant agencies will continue to strengthen anti-corruption work, resolutely and persistently fight against and repel corruption with political determination, stronger, more drastic and more effective actions.

Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership and direction of the Party and State at both the central and local levels; focus on strictly controlling the power of people with positions and powers to prevent and combat corruption.

The Government always identifies PCTNTC as one of the key tasks in leadership, direction, and administration, and focuses on directing the synchronous implementation of specific tasks and solutions.

In which, continue to strengthen leadership and direction, continue to promote the construction and improvement of institutions on socio-economic management and anti-corruption, improve the mechanism for preventing corruption and negativity...

Continue to carry out anti-corruption tasks within agencies with anti-corruption functions, not allowing officials and civil servants to commit corrupt or negative acts in the performance of their duties.

Focus on strictly handling and effectively preventing "petty corruption", harassment, and causing trouble for people and businesses in handling work.

Strengthen and focus inspections on areas prone to corruption and negativity, prominent and pressing issues in society, specialized areas, closed-off activities; cases with signs of money laundering, etc.

Currently, the Government Inspectorate and the entire industry are conducting this specialized inspection and will report the results to the Prime Minister upon completion.


Phương châm "4 không" trong phòng chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực

Vương Trần |

Trưởng Ban Nội chính Trung ương Phan Đình Trạc nhấn mạnh phương châm “bốn không” trong phòng chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực.

Chuyển vị trí công tác người có chức vụ để chống tham nhũng


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu thực hiện chuyển đổi vị trí công tác người có chức vụ, quyền hạn để kiểm soát quyền lực, phòng, chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực.

Chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực trên các dự án cao tốc trọng điểm quốc gia


Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính yêu cầu các lực lượng liên quan khi tham gia thi công, triển khai các tuyến cao tốc trọng điểm quốc gia phải nêu cao tinh thần trách nhiệm, bảo đảm đúng tiến độ đề ra. Trong đó, cần tăng cường công tác thanh kiểm tra, phòng chống tham nhũng, tiêu cực, lãng phí, chống việc thông thầu, mua bán thầu... tại các dự án cao tốc.

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Nỗ lực định hình tên tuổi từ cái bóng “ngôi sao nhí”

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Chợ đêm Ninh Kiều sáng đèn trở lại sau thời gian tạm dừng


Cần Thơ - Người dân bày tỏ sự phấn khởi khi chợ đêm Ninh Kiều đã hoạt động trở lại.

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Motto "4 No's" in preventing corruption and negativity

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Fighting corruption and negativity on key national expressway projects


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