Self-reflection and self-correction so that our Party can truly be ethical and civilized.


Politburo member and Standing member of the Secretariat Luong Cuong emphasized the need to make revolutionary ethics a prominent feature of Party members and cadres, a sharp weapon, to overcome all challenges and temptations, to repel all risks of degradation in political ideology, ethics in life, self-evolution, and self-transformation within the Party, and to make revolutionary ethics the soul of Party culture .

Worthy of the people's trust and love with the name of the Party "Our Party"

55 years have passed since the day the beloved President Ho Chi Minh passed away, but his precious thoughts have become a legacy, illuminating the Vietnamese revolution.

Implementing Uncle Ho's Testament, the Party has always paid special attention to the content of Party building in terms of ethics. This has been implemented more strongly and clearly during the 13th Congress term.

Document XIII of the Party affirms: "Research, supplement, and perfect revolutionary ethical values ​​according to the spirit of our Party, which is ethics and civilization, to suit new conditions and the fine cultural traditions of the nation"[1].

The Central Executive Committee also issued Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW dated October 25, 2021 on promoting Party building and rectification and the political system; resolutely preventing, repelling, and strictly handling cadres and party members who have degraded in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation". The Politburo issued Regulation No. 144-QD/TW dated May 9, 2024 on stipulating revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and party members in the new period.

Recently, the Politburo and the Central Party Secretariat held a national conference to disseminate Regulation No. 144-QD/TW on revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period in both direct and online forms.

In the direction and conclusion of the Conference, Politburo member and Standing member of the Secretariat Luong Cuong emphasized the significance and core contents of Regulation No. 144 on revolutionary ethics standards of Party members in the new period, affirming the special attention of our Party in Party building work on ethics by concretizing it into 5 Articles and 19 contents so that our Party is truly ethical and civilized, as Uncle Ho taught and worthy of the people's trust and love with the name of the Party as "Our Party".

Sharp weapon, overcome all challenges and temptations

Standing member of the Secretariat Luong Cuong also stated that the promulgation of Regulation No. 144 is an initial success. The most important and core thing is that all cadres and party members must thoroughly understand and deeply absorb the regulations and voluntarily practice ethical standards as regularly as daily meals and drinks; make revolutionary ethics a prominent feature of cadres and party members, a sharp weapon, overcoming all challenges and temptations, repelling all risks of degradation in political ideology, ethics in life, self-evolution, self-transformation within the Party, making revolutionary ethics the soul of Party culture; orienting, promoting, building, and consolidating the foundation of ethics, culture and society; spreading strongly among the people, making Vietnamese culture truly become an endogenous strength, a driving force for national development and protection.

According to Dr. Doan Van Bau - Head of the Department of Political Theory, Central Propaganda Department, Regulation 144-QD/TW sets out ethical standards for party members. In particular, each cadre and party member must voluntarily study, strive to cultivate, practice, self-reflect, and self-correct according to ethical standards, love the country, respect the people, and be absolutely loyal to the Party and the Fatherland; be brave, innovative, creative, and integrated; be diligent, frugal, honest, upright, impartial, and selfless; be united, disciplined, compassionate, and responsible; be exemplary, modest, cultivate, practice, and learn throughout life.

Accordingly, to raise awareness of the importance of regulations, grasp, understand deeply, and organize good implementation of regulations, Party committees, Party organizations and authorities at all levels in the political system need to promote their role and responsibility, set an example in implementation. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the work of inspection, supervision and enforcement of Party discipline. In particular, it is necessary to promote the supervisory and critical role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the people, relying on the people to build the Party.

Cited documents
[1] Communist Party of Vietnam, Documents of the 13th National Congress of Delegates, National Political Publishing House, Vol. 1, p. 184, Hanoi, 2021.


Có nền tảng đạo đức tốt, thanh thiếu niên sẽ “đề kháng” được các hành vi xấu

Huyền Chi |

Ngày Quốc tế Thanh Thiếu niên (12.8) hướng đến mục tiêu tập trung giải quyết các vấn đề của thanh thiếu niên, thúc đẩy nhân quyền và sự phát triển toàn diện của thế hệ trẻ.

Tổng Bí thư rất quan tâm tới quy định chuẩn mực đạo đức cách mạng

Vương Trần |

Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng đặc biệt quan tâm tới quy định chuẩn mực đạo đức cách mạng của cán bộ, đảng viên trong giai đoạn mới.

Nhà giáo cần đáp ứng quy định gì về đạo đức nghề nghiệp?

Vân trang |

Dự thảo Luật Nhà giáo quy định rõ các tiêu chuẩn đạo đức nghề nghiệp mà giáo viên cần đáp ứng.

Chủ tịch Quốc hội kiểm tra công tác khắc phục hậu quả mưa lũ ở Thái Nguyên

Lam Thanh |

Ngày 12.9, Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn đã thăm, động viên nhân dân vùng ngập lụt và kiểm tra tình hình khắc phục thiệt hại do mưa lũ tại tỉnh Thái Nguyên.

Người dân xót xa nhìn lũ cuốn trôi hàng trăm gia súc

cao thơm |

sông Hồng dâng cao, cuốn trôi gia súc và hoa màu, đẩy nhiều gia đình chăn nuôi, trồng trọt ven sông vào cảnh trắng tay và khốn đốn.

Cổ phiếu thực phẩm được dự báo giữ đà tăng dài hơi

Lục Giang |

Nếu như cổ phiếu ngành bảo hiểm liên tục đỏ lửa thì nhóm ngành thực phẩm, hàng thiết yếu, cổ phiếu ngành vật liệu lại ghi nhận diễn biến tích cực.

Chuỗi cà phê nổi tiếng gây tranh cãi vì cách ủng hộ bão lũ

Anh Tuấn |

Bài đăng tải ủng hộ bão lũ của thương hiệu đồ uống nổi tiếng bất ngờ tạo ra những phản ứng trái chiều. Trong chưa đầy 24 giờ, đã có hơn 20 nghìn lượt phẫn nộ.