Dong Dang – Tra Linh Project: Reaching the first 100m tunnel milestone, ensuring construction safety during the rainy and stormy season

Tiểu Ngọc |

On September 6, 2024, at the Dong Dang (Lang Son) - Tra Linh (Cao Bang) expressway project, the construction of the right branch west of tunnel No. 2 reached the 100m mark. Faced with the complicated developments of Typhoon Yagi, the Project Enterprise and the General Contractor's Executive Board are urgently implementing storm prevention measures, with the top priority being to ensure the safety of workers at the construction site.

According to the report of the Project Management Board on September 6, the entire project has mobilized 666 personnel, 252 specialized machines and equipment, simultaneously deployed 22 teams on the land segments that have been handed over and are qualified for construction. Up to now, the right branch to the west of tunnel 2 has reached 100m of construction, meeting the schedule as planned. This is the first tunnel branch to reach the 100m milestone in the entire project. The General Contractor Management Board is actively coordinating with the Project Enterprise and relevant parties to handle difficulties in the project, research solutions to overcome difficulties and organize construction to speed up progress, striving to complete the goal of clearing tunnel 2 in January 2025.

Proactive solutions to deal with storms on construction sites

In recent days, in response to the forecast of the complicated situation of Typhoon Yagi (Typhoon No. 3) hitting the entire North, according to the latest update on the afternoon of September 6, the Dong Dang - Tra Linh Expressway project area is mainly affected by the storm circulation, there will be heavy rain and prolonged thunderstorms. The project enterprise and the General Contractor's Executive Board have established the Project's Typhoon Prevention Command Board No. 3, continuously updating information on natural disasters, developing plans and disseminating coping solutions and measures to ensure safety for people and property to all contractors.

The right branch on the west side of tunnel 2 reaches the first 100m of the tunnel. Photo: Tuan Linh
The right branch on the west side of tunnel 2 reaches the first 100m of the tunnel. Photo: Tuan Linh

Specifically, all vehicles and equipment are gathered in high, open areas, avoiding locations at risk of landslides and flooding. At the operating buildings, the roofs are reinforced with corrugated iron, sand is stacked to prevent the roof from tipping over, and the living areas of officers, engineers, and workers are protected from the impact of the storm.

Construction activities in the tunnel are still being carried out regularly in 3 shifts/day and night. For outdoor construction items, to ensure the safety of workers, the General Contractor Management Board has directed contractors to temporarily suspend all night shifts, while day shifts are still being carried out flexibly depending on the actual assessment of the storm level, which is regularly updated to each contractor.

The top priority is the health and safety of workers. In addition to general storm prevention propaganda, the project's Storm Prevention Command tightens control of labor protection work, coordinates with the project security team to check actual conditions at construction sites and identify, prevent and warn of risky situations, paying special attention to electrical safety issues at construction sites.

Mr. Pham Duy Hieu - Director of the General Contractor's Executive Board said that since July, the locality has entered the rainy season, so construction activities have been hindered a lot. "We have put forward construction plans to make efforts to ensure progress, at the same time, taking advantage of the few sunny days to organize construction of outdoor items, when the weather is not favorable, mainly focusing on speeding up construction in the tunnel... The most important thing is to ensure the safety of human assets at the construction site" , Mr. Pham Duy Hieu shared.

Image recorded on the afternoon of September 6 at the tunnel construction area. Photo: Viet Trung
Image recorded on the afternoon of September 6 at the tunnel construction area. Photo: Viet Trung

To make workers feel secure at work

Talking about the cultural characteristics of the staff of the Dong Dang - Tra Linh Expressway project, it is impossible not to mention the flag-raising ceremony at the beginning of the week, which is carried out in all units from the Project Enterprise, the General Contractor and the main contractors and subcontractors. Mr. Hieu said that, being aware that this is an important traffic project being implemented on the land of the fence, where the country's revolution originated, the flag-raising ceremony originated from a few investors and contractors from the Deo Ca Group system, and has now spread and become a regular activity throughout the project, taking place every Monday morning, to promote the spirit of patriotism and responsibility of each project worker to the community and society.

Immediately after the flag-raising ceremony is the weekly meeting, where the Executive Board summarizes the results of the week's work and announces the plan for the new week's work, encouraging the working spirit of the project staff. Also at the meetings, the Labor Safety and Environmental Sanitation Board reviews the labor safety and environmental sanitation work of the week, evaluates and draws lessons, and promotes and reminds to continuously improve the effectiveness of this work at the project.

The project is located in a remote area, with rugged mountainous terrain, complex geology, and many potential risks to workers' safety. Therefore, ensuring safe construction is always a top priority. The General Contractor's Management Board has signed regulations to coordinate with each contractor in compliance with regulations and procedures on occupational safety and hygiene. In addition, programs to disseminate instructions on the use of labor protection equipment are organized, regular training on electrical safety, first aid skills and handling of incidents, etc., and closely monitor the work of ensuring occupational safety and hygiene at the actual construction site.

The project enterprise and the General Contractor Management Board organize regular health check-ups for workers, paying special attention to the health of workers working in the tunnel. In addition, many activities and sports movements are organized to help workers improve their physical and mental health. The accommodation and dining areas for officers and workers are built spaciously and fully equipped with the general standards of Deo Ca Group, meeting good living conditions for workers to work with peace of mind.

As a technical officer in charge of constructing bridge items at the project, Mr. Nguyen Van Thang shared: “I have worked at Deo Ca Group for more than 4 years, and was assigned to the Dong - Dang Tra Linh project since February 2024. Although I have been through many projects and works of the Group, wherever I go, I feel the care and attention of the Board of Directors, from regular visits and encouragement to colleagues working away from home. Every holiday season, we stay at the construction site and receive special bonuses and gifts sent directly to our family members in the countryside .

Ms. Le Thi Tai - Catering staff, has been with Deo Ca Group since the Dong Dang - Tra Linh expressway started its construction phase, the Dong Dang - Tra Linh expressway project has a total length of 121km, divided into 2 investment phases. Phase 1, Dong Dang - Tra Linh expressway is invested with a length of more than 93km. The starting point is at the Tan Thanh border gate intersection (Van Lang district, Lang Son province). The end point is at the National Highway 3 intersection (Chi Thao commune, Quang Hoa district, Cao Bang province). Deo Ca Group is the leading investor in the consortium implementing the project phase 1: "Here, everyone lives in harmony and is very affectionate. Being far from home, everyone supports and helps each other in many ways. Although the work is hard, being able to cook and take care of meals for everyone to have the health to focus on work, I feel like I have also contributed a small part to this project" . Ms. Tai smiled brightly as she talked, her hands still quickly cutting vegetables to prepare for lunch at 11:30.

The Dong Dang - Tra Linh Expressway project has a total length of 121km, divided into 2 investment phases. In phase 1, the Dong Dang - Tra Linh Expressway is invested with a length of more than 93km. The starting point is at the Tan Thanh border gate intersection (Van Lang district, Lang Son province). The end point is at the National Highway 3 intersection (Chi Thao commune, Quang Hoa district, Cao Bang province). Deo Ca Group is the leading investor of the consortium implementing the phase 1 project.

Tiểu Ngọc

Người Đèo Cả thi công xuyên lễ trên những công trường "không nghỉ"

Trần Ngọc |

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