Gold ring price continuously breaks the peak, face distorted to "pay debt" of gold

Phương Anh |

In recent trading sessions, the price of plain round gold rings has increased sharply. Many people are confused because this item keeps breaking records and is very difficult to buy.

Distorted face "paying debt" gold

Mr. Nguyen Van Hoa (27 years old, Soc Son, Hanoi) said that the high price of gold made him and his group of friends have a headache when buying wedding gifts for their friends.

"I have a group of 6 close friends. The whole group agreed that whoever gets married will be given a gold ring. Half a month ago, a friend in the group invited us to their wedding. Because we were busy, we didn't go buy anything. Unexpectedly, since then, the price of gold has been increasing continuously.

Yesterday (September 24), my friend and I went to Tran Nhan Tong Street (Hanoi) to buy, but we couldn't because the store said it was out of stock. After that, we went to some big stores in Cau Giay, they also said they didn't know when they would have gold for sale. Unexpectedly, this morning, the price of gold rings increased by a million VND/tael. Before, I got married, my friend gave me gold as a wedding gift, now I can't go anywhere, but at the present time, you can't just go to the store to buy it" - Mr. Hoa shared.

Anh Hoa va ban di nhieu cua tiem nhung khong mua duoc vang nhan tron tron 9999.
Mr. Hoa and his friend went to many stores but could not buy a 9999 plain round gold ring. Photo: Phuong Anh
Nhieu nguoi cho biet rat kho mua vang mieng SJC va vang nhan tron tron 9999 tai cac tiem vang vao thoi diem nay. Anh: Phuong Anh
Many people said it is very difficult to buy SJC gold bars and 9999 smooth round gold rings at gold shops at this time. Photo: Phuong Anh

Similar to Mr. Hoa, Ms. Nguyen Hai Linh (28 years old, Dong Anh, Hanoi) has been frantically looking to buy gold rings for many days now. “Last year I got married, so I also received gold from relatives and friends as wedding gifts. However, all that gold has been sold to get capital for the couple's business.

In the near future, a friend of mine is preparing to get married, so I am also looking to buy gold to celebrate with her. However, at the moment, every store I go to says they are out of gold even though the listed price is sky-high, increasing by several million VND per tael compared to the end of 2023" - Ms. Linh said.

Ms. Linh said that if she cannot buy at gold stores, she will have to ask relatives to buy gold from them.

Gia vang nhan tron tron 9999 tai thi truong trong nuoc 2 thang qua lien tuc tang manh. Bieu do: Tuong Van
The price of 9999 round smooth gold rings in the domestic market has continuously increased sharply over the past 2 months. Chart: Tuong Van

Mr. Pham Van Quynh (Gia Lam, Hanoi) is worried about having to buy gold for his wedding at this time. "I myself do not have the habit of saving or investing in gold, so when I looked at the reference price list of various types these days, I was surprised because it was so high.

Most people in my area give gold as wedding gifts to their relatives. But seeing the price increase like this, I am even more hesitant when I am planning to buy gold or switch to another type of wedding gift" - Mr. Quynh hesitated.

Lau nay vang mieng SJC va vang nhan tron tron 9999 la nhung san pham vang duoc nhieu nguoi chuong mua. Anh: Tuong Van
For a long time, SJC gold bars and 9999 smooth round gold rings have been the gold products that many people prefer to buy. Photo: Tuong Van

Gold price update

Recorded at 10:00 a.m. on August 25, the price of SJC gold bars was listed by DOJI Group at 81.5 - 83.5 million VND/tael (buy - sell). The difference between the buying and selling price of SJC gold at DOJI Group was 2 million VND/tael.

This unit listed the price of 9999 Hung Thinh Vuong round gold rings at 81.45-82.50 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

Meanwhile, Bao Tin Minh Chau listed the price of SJC gold at 81.5 - 83.5 million VND/tael (buy - sell). The difference between the buying and selling price of SJC gold at Saigon SJC Jewelry Company is at 2 million VND/tael.

Bao Tin Minh Chau also adjusted the price of plain round gold rings to increase to 81.58-82.48 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

In the world market, gold listed on Kitco at 9:50 a.m. the same day (Vietnam time) was at 2,664.6 USD/ounce.

Gia vang the gioi cung dang o nguong cao ky luc. Nguon: Kitco
World gold prices are also at record highs. Source: Kitco
Phương Anh

Giá vàng hôm nay 23.9: Vàng nhẫn cao kỷ lục, nên mua hay bán

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 23.9 bất động ở thị trường trong nước. Vàng thế giới giảm nhẹ, nhưng vẫn trụ vững quanh ngưỡng kỷ lục.

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 23.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng cao kỷ lục

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 23.9: Kim loại quý đang neo ở ngưỡng kỷ lục nhiều tuần. Trong nước giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn lên tới 80,5 triệu đồng/lượng.

Cập nhật giá vàng chốt phiên 22.9: Lỗ tới 500.000 đồng/lượng

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng chốt phiên 22.9: Chênh lệch giá vàng quá cao khiến nhà đầu tư thua lỗ dù giá vàng tăng cao.

Đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích nhiều ngày tại Ninh Bình


Sau nhiều ngày tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy 3 cháu bé bị mất tích tại xã Kim Tân, huyện Kim Sơn (Ninh Bình).

Chủ tịch Tân Hoàng Minh được giảm 1 năm tù

Việt Dũng |

Ông Đỗ Anh Dũng - Chủ tịch Tập đoàn Tân Hoàng Minh được ghi nhận có các tình tiết mới nên được giảm án, bị hại duy nhất kháng cáo bị bác đơn.

Tài xế khai chuyện chở thùng tiền từ SCB về Vạn Thịnh Phát

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Lái xe của Trương Mỹ Lan khai, nhiều lần đến Ngân hàng SCB vận chuyển những thùng tiền đã được đóng sẵn đưa về Vạn Thịnh Phát hoặc nhà riêng của Lan.

Bỏ giấy chuyển tuyến bệnh hiểm nghèo, giảm tiền túi cho dân


Trong dự Luật Bảo hiểm y tế sửa đổi có đưa ra việc bỏ thủ tục chuyển tuyến với một số trường hợp bệnh hiếm, bệnh hiểm nghèo... để giảm chi tiền túi cho dân.

Mực nước gần 61m, hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam xả lũ 4 cửa


Đồng Nai - Hồ Thủy điện Trị An tiếp tục xả lũ qua đập tràn với tổng lưu lượng xả xuống hạ du tăng từ 1.440 m3/giây - 1.490m3/giây, xả 4 cửa.

Gold price today 9/23: Gold ring at record high, should you buy or sell

Khương Duy |

Gold price today 9/23 is still stable in domestic market. World gold price decreased slightly, but still remained stable around the record level.

Gold price update morning of September 23: Gold rings increase to record high

Khương Duy |

Gold price update on the morning of September 23: The precious metal is anchored at a record level for many weeks. Domestically, the price of plain round gold rings is up to 80.5 million VND/tael.

Update on the closing price of gold on September 22: Loss of up to 500,000 VND/tael

Khương Duy |

Update on the closing price of gold on September 22: The difference in gold prices is too high, causing investors to lose money even though the gold price is increasing.