Gold ring price increased by nearly 14 million VND/tael, investors made big profits

Khương Duy |

The price of 9999 round smooth gold rings is on the rise. After half a year of buying, investors can earn up to 12.7 million VND per tael.

Half a year ago, the price of gold rings was less than 70 million VND/tael. Now, this item is about to exceed 83 million VND/tael.

In the trading session on March 26, the price of plain round gold rings was listed by Bao Tin Minh Chau at 68.62-69.82 million VND/tael (buy in - sell out). Meanwhile, Saigon Jewelry listed the price of SJC 999 gold rings at 68-69.25 million VND/tael (buy in - sell out).

At the same time, Phu Nhuan Jewelry (PNJ) listed 9999 plain rings at 68-69.2 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

Lau nay, vang mieng SJC va vang nhan tron tron la hai mat hang duoc nhieu nguoi chuong mua. Anh: Phan Anh
For a long time, SJC gold bars and plain round gold rings have been two popular items to buy. Photo: Phan Anh

However, in the early morning of September 26, Bao Tin Minh Chau adjusted the price of plain round gold rings to increase to 81.83-82.93 million VND/tael (buy in - sell out). Saigon Jewelry listed the price of SJC 9999 gold rings at 80.8-82.3 million VND/tael for buy in - sell out.

At the same time, Phu Nhuan Jewelry (PNJ) listed 9999 plain rings at 81.9-82.95 million VND/tael (buy - sell).

Thus, after only half a year, Bao Tin Minh Chau adjusted the purchase price up by 13.21 million VND/tael and increased the sale price by 13.11 million VND/tael; Saigon Jewelry adjusted the purchase price up by 12.8 million VND/tael and increased the sale price by 13.05 million VND/tael;

PNJ adjusted the buying price up by 13.9 million VND/tael and the selling price up by 13.75 million VND/tael for each tael of 9999 smooth round gold ring.

Dien bien gia vang nhan tron tron 9999 thoi gian gan day. Bieu do: Khuong Duy
Recent price developments of 9999 smooth round gold rings. Chart: Khuong Duy

Subtracting the difference between buying and selling prices set by the stores at the time of purchase, the amount of profit investors make when buying each tael of gold at Bao Tin Minh Chau, Saigon Jewelry and PNJ is VND12.01 million/tael; VND11.55 million/tael and VND12.7 million/tael, respectively.

In recent sessions, the price of SJC gold has fluctuated erratically and is difficult to predict. However, the price of plain round gold rings often fluctuates in the same direction as the world market. Therefore, investors can refer to the world market and experts' opinions before making investment decisions.

Update SJC gold price

Early this morning, the price of SJC gold bars was listed by DOJI Group at 81.5 - 83.5 million VND/tael (buy - sell). The difference between the buying and selling price of SJC gold at DOJI Group is 2 million VND/tael.

Bao Tin Minh Chau listed the price of SJC gold at 81.5 - 83.5 million VND/tael (buy - sell). The difference between the buying and selling price of SJC gold at Saigon SJC Jewelry Company is at 2 million VND/tael.

Update world gold price

As of 1:20 a.m. on September 26 (Vietnam time), the world gold price listed on Kitco was at $2,659.4/ounce. Despite a slight downward trend, world gold is still trading around its all-time high.

Khương Duy

Cập nhật giá vàng chốt phiên 25.9: Vàng nhẫn sắp vượt ngưỡng 83 triệu

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Cập nhật giá vàng chốt phiên 25.9: Thị trường trong nước ghi nhận giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn tiếp tục tăng mạnh, vàng miếng SJC đi ngang.

Chuyên gia lý giải về việc giá vàng liên tiếp phá đỉnh

Phương Anh (Theo Kitco) |

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Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

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Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 27.9: Vàng nhẫn hừng hực tăng

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 27.9: Đà tăng giá của vàng chưa dừng lại. Vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 phá đỉnh mới 83 triệu đồng/lượng.

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Update on the closing price of gold on September 25: Ring gold is about to surpass the threshold of 83 million

Khương Duy |

Update on the closing price of gold on September 25: The domestic market recorded that the price of plain round gold rings continued to increase sharply, while the price of SJC gold bars remained stable.

Experts explain why gold prices continuously break new records

Phương Anh (Theo Kitco) |

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The reason why world gold prices keep increasing

Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

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