Education expert talks about "gaps" in artist training

Nhóm PV |

According to experts, artists are always people who have a wide influence on young audiences, so they need to prepare for fame.

“Training” artists in the new context

In 2021, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued a code of conduct for artists.

In 2023, the Ministry of Information and Communications said it would compile a list of artists who violate ethical standards and codes of conduct. From this list, the Ministry will coordinate with units to limit the image and activities of artists. Accordingly, the topic of "banning" artists involved in scandals, violations of ethical standards, and customs has been discussed for a long time.

To see, the authorities have been taking specific measures to limit scandals and personal scandals of celebrities in the entertainment industry. This is becoming more urgent as the strategy to develop cultural industries is being promoted.

More than ever, the country needs a team of personnel in the arts fields who focus on promoting their talents and abilities while spreading a spirit of professional work and striving for good values.

Recently, many artists have been criticized for their political consciousness when performing at inappropriate programs.

Education and training on awareness, political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, how to work, how to face the audience, how to communicate... are posed to art school students - future artists.

Speaking to Lao Dong reporter, Associate Professor Dr. Le Quy Duc - former Deputy Director of the Institute of Culture and Development, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics said: “Students of art schools are future artists. To become a true artist, one needs many skills, in addition to professional competence. That is the ability to communicate with the public, respond to the media, build relationships with colleagues, handle negative information flows... At that time, moral education will become the foundation for forming skills for artists. Artists will come into contact with many components of society and one of the things they need to have is morality, in addition to practicing professional skills”.

According to Associate Professor Dr. Le Quy Duc, not everyone who works in art aims for good things, maybe they just borrow that profession to serve their personal needs. Being equipped with knowledge, skills, professional ethics, and the right attitude towards work and the public is very important.

Gioi giai tri phuc tap hon khi mang xa hoi bung no. Anh: Facebook cac hoi nhom fan
The entertainment industry and artists' lives are more complicated as social networks explode. Photo: Facebook fan groups

How to train soft skills?

“Soft skills for art students will have a lot of content to pay attention to. It is not only about attitude, behavior, performance skills on stage, performing in many types of events from politics to entertainment, but also about the ability to handle crises... All of those activities need a systematic and complete curriculum so that students can grasp the theory and apply it in practice. To become an artist, one must aim for beauty, aim for positive values, and make life more beautiful” - Associate Professor, Dr. Le Quy Duc said.

Meanwhile, discussing this issue, Associate Professor Dr. Le Huy Hoang - Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Central Propaganda Department said: "In my opinion, training and equipping soft skills for students studying in the fields of art and culture is extremely important. You are the future generation of artists, and need to be equipped with other skills besides training and professional development, such as communication skills, actions in accordance with good customs and moral standards. When becoming famous, artists have a great impact on the public, need to promote civilized behavior, become role models to have positive influences on the audience".

For famous people in the fields of culture and art, their views and opinions can influence young people, especially those who consider them idols.

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Huy Hoang said: “Practice shows that not only students studying art and culture, but also students in general are also taught and educated about political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle. Recently, Conclusion No. 91-KL/TW, dated August 12, 2024 of the Politburo on continuing to implement Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW, dated November 4, 2013 of the 11th Party Central Committee "On fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the conditions of a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration", clearly stated: "Innovate and improve the quality of political education, ideology, ethics, lifestyle, life skills, national defense and security education associated with building and promoting the system of cultural values ​​and Vietnamese people. Promote the implementation of building school culture, pay attention to educating students about patriotism, national pride, and self-respect, and arouse the desire to contribute to the development of a prosperous and happy country. Fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training needs to be associated with the building and promotion of national value systems, cultural value systems, family value systems, and standards for Vietnamese people.

According to student C.T.Q - University of Theatre and Cinema, currently students here are mainly studying professional subjects, with in-depth training in professional skills. Education and orientation on ethics and lifestyle are woven into professional lessons by teachers, however, they have not yet been separated into independent subjects.

Dr. Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai - Vice Principal of Hanoi University of Theatre and Cinema said: “We always emphasize the education of ethics and character for students. We pay attention to that right from the beginning of admission. Immediately after enrolling, students will study a week of Civic Education, which includes many life skills, from dressing to discipline, awareness, and professional perspectives taught by leading experts. We always follow the school's guiding principle of training students to become good people first, then training them to become who they are and what they do. Students of art schools in the future will be cultural workers, so they must first have a cultural foundation.

Of course, there will be many subjects that have not been included in the curriculum, such as how to behave when a scandal occurs, how to behave in front of the media, the public, handling media crises... Because, such changes all need a roadmap. To include a new subject in the curriculum, there must be a curriculum, lecturers, experts... And that is a story of the future, we need time to prepare."

Nhóm PV

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The gap in artist “training”

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