“When the Stars Gossip” revolves around Gong Ryong (Lee Min Ho), an obstetrician and gynecologist who stays at the space station for a few days as a tourist, and Eve Kim (Gong Hyo Jin), the space station's security commander.
The story becomes complicated when Kang Kang Soo (Oh Jung Se) - a wealthy scientific researcher and Choi Go Eun (Han Ji Eun) - a famous heiress, Gong Ryong's girlfriend appear.
The film is notable for being set on a space station with an investment budget of up to 50 billion won (865 billion VND).
Ahead of its premiere on January 4, 2025, Gong Hyo Jin shared more about her return to the screen after 6 years. According to the actress, she was attracted by the freshness of a space drama and the novelty of playing a commander.
Gong Hyo Jin describes her character as “cold on the outside, warm on the inside”: “Unlike the roles I’ve played before, Eve has no feelings or interest in people. She is only fascinated by experimental life forms. I tried to maintain the rigid attitude of the commander to reflect that.”
According to the media, Gong Hyo Jin's style has always been a highlight in her works and her role as Eve Kim this time is no exception. As a space scientist, the actress wears an astronaut suit in most of the scenes. She said that this is a suitable outfit for a space scientist.
Meanwhile, Lee Min Ho is also very excited about his new role. He describes the character Gong Ryong as an ordinary person living a typical life but is driven by beliefs and a strong focus on life that others may not understand.
“What stood out to me was his determination to complete any mission given to him. Gong Ryong’s passion, honesty, and loyalty in life-or-death situations were portrayed in a realistic way. To me, Gong Ryong’s most attractive point was his innocence.”
The Korean actor said that he chose “When the Stars Gossip” as his comeback project because he was attracted to the story, the setting, and the vast, clear, and mysterious space - where people come to appreciate the value of life. This is considered a rare thing in today’s fast-paced world, when good and important things gradually become blurred.
Revealing more about the film, Gong Hyo Jin said that each scene, which was filmed in a zero-gravity environment, required careful planning and dedication. Since it was a space that she and her co-stars had never experienced before, they approached acting as if they were learning everything from scratch.
In addition, the actress hopes that this unique TV series will answer many questions of people. “It would be great if viewers could see how space scientists risked their lives for humanity. Please watch it with a loving perspective,” she said.