Today, Mr., Head of Human Resources Department of the Company and Sister, a close friend at another unit meeting with lunch. He lamented H, the common friend of both of them had written an application for leave. Begged, promising it would be decided to leave. It was hard -working personnel, in a few years exceeded the KPI target, now leaving to another company, finding a replacement is a problem. Again at the right time after Tet, finding it harder, H did not even say anything in advance, suddenly, after Tet, it was applied.
She laughed: There are really good people, still working hard, still laughing to the boss, still dedicated as never intended to leave. Then the year -end party, receiving Tet bonus, receiving lucky money at the beginning of the year, and applying for leave. Without a bit of anxiety, without a long explanation. Only a single leaf, a few short lines and thanks to Giao.
He sighed: Choosing the path is the decision of each person. But taking advantage of the Tet bonus after leaving is a bit pragmatic. Especially when quitting at the beginning of the year, good people will have many opportunities to hunt from other companies, where they are also in need of new personnel after a long vacation. Some people think that it is alert, knowing how to take advantage of the opportunity to optimize benefits. But there are also people who feel it is cold and lacks something of loyalty, of gratitude.
She interrupted: Nowadays, her loyalty is hard to speak. It is also difficult to blame because everyone has their own reasons to make a decision for their lives. The situation of "Tet bonus and rest" is no longer a rare thing, it happens in many companies, especially after a difficult economic year, many businesses have to reduce personnel or reduce Tet bonus. Workers feel dissatisfied with the company's remuneration should take advantage of the reward and take a break to find better opportunities.
He nodded: Actually, finding a better working environment, more suitable for yourself is a legitimate need, so businesses need to create a professional, dynamic working environment, with Good remuneration to retain talent.
She laughed: Talented like autumn leaves. He was also a talent, when he was going to quit his job to remember my company, my place was worse than you!