“The Queen Who Crowns” tells the story of Wongyeong (Cha Joo Young) and King Taejong - Lee Bang Won (Lee Hyun Wook).
As soon as it aired, the film caused controversy because there were too many scenes labeled 19+, but it was not really necessary. The female lead of the film - Cha Joo Young also received many mixed opinions because of her bold sex scenes.
My Daily believes that excessive and unnecessary provocative content can tarnish both the artistic value of the work and the image of the actress.
As the controversy continues to rage on social media, the historical Korean drama continues to face accusations of filming nude scenes without the consent of the actors. However, the production team has denied the claims, asserting that all scenes were filmed based on previous agreements.
Hankook Ilbo reported that a representative of Studio Dragon, the production company behind the drama, emphasized: “From the beginning, we made it clear that the Tving (OTT/online platform) version would be produced with an “adults only” rating, and this was revealed during the casting process. The inclusion of nude scenes was also announced and discussed in advance.”
The company representative added that discussions about the level of nudity were adjusted for each actor based on their character and scene. At each stage of production, the actors and their agencies were consulted, and the production made adjustments as needed.
The crew confirmed that the body images of the characters appearing in the hot scenes are not of the main actors but of stuntmen.
Cha Joo Young and Lee Edam (as Chae Ryeong - Wongyeong's maid) filmed these scenes while wearing clothes. The production team then combined the stunt double's footage with computer graphics (CG) to enhance the clarity of the scenes. This was also agreed upon by the team in advance.
However, the criticism did not stop there. Many people said that the production team did not fully explain the nude and hot scenes during the script reading stage, leading to questions about transparency during the filming process.