Initial information on the dead rice crop next to the Can Tho - Ca Mau expressway


Hau Giang - In the area, there are 49 households affected with a total rice growing area of over 21 hectares, located on both sides of the Can Tho - Ca Mau expressway under construction.


High-voltage power lines in the horizontal expressway have not been relocated


Can Tho - The Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang expressway project still has 4 locations of high-voltage power lines that have not been relocated, affecting the progress of site handover.

The truth about stopping a vehicle on the highway to go to the toilet is being fined


"Stop the vehicle in the emergency lane on the highway to go to the toilet: not an force majeure situation, the traffic police still fine" - is untrue content.

Quang Nam solemnly celebrates the 50th anniversary of Liberation Day


Quang Nam - On the evening of March 24, at 24/3 Square (Tam Ky City), Quang Nam province held a ceremony to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Liberation Day (March 24, 1975 - March 24, 2025).

Hanoi finalizes the construction location of Tu Lien bridge and the road at both ends of the bridge


Hanoi - On March 24, the City People's Committee issued a decision approving the route plan, location of Tu Lien bridge and the road at both ends of the bridge, at a scale of 1/500.

Exclusive dealers at transformation platforms


To be burned in some incense burners, people are required to buy small enough to be supplied by exclusive suppliers without being imported from outside.

HCMC will stop providing additional support to officials who quit due to streamlining


Ho Chi Minh City will stop the additional support policy for cadres, civil servants, and public employees who quit their jobs when the city implements the restructuring of the apparatus and restructuring administrative units.

High-voltage power lines in the horizontal expressway have not been relocated


Can Tho - The Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang expressway project still has 4 locations of high-voltage power lines that have not been relocated, affecting the progress of site handover.

Hiện trạng nơi lúa chết cạnh cao tốc Cần Thơ - Cà Mau đã thay đổi nhiều


Ghi nhận của phóng viên Báo Lao Động tại ấp 9, xã Vị Thắng, huyện Vị Thủy, tỉnh Hậu Giang - khu vực lúa chết cạnh cao tốc Cần Thơ - Cà Mau, thuộc Dự án xây dựng công trình đường bộ cao tốc Bắc - Nam phía Đông. Hiện trạng nơi đây đã thay đổi nhiều so với thời điểm ngành chức năng đi kiểm tra độ mặn trước đó...

Về nơi lúa chết cạnh cao tốc sau báo cáo của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn


Hậu Giang - Tại khu vực lúa chết cạnh cao tốc Cần Thơ - Cà Mau, đơn vị thi công đã đào rãnh để thoát nước. Tuy nhiên, theo người dân trồng lúa, rãnh này có cũng như không.