Labor recruitment demand increases until the end of 2024

Phong Linh |

The labor market continues to have positive changes, the high recruitment demand from now until the end of the year is an opportunity for workers to have jobs and stabilize their lives.

Excited to have a new job

After graduating from Physics (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University), Mr. Nguyen Phuong Nam (born in 1999, Can Tho City) mainly did seasonal jobs with an average salary of about 5 million VND/month.

After more than 2 years of unstable work, in July this year, he decided to apply to a company that processes and manufactures canned and frozen seafood in Tra Noc Industrial Park (Binh Thuy District).

Here, Mr. Nam was assigned to study and work as a warehouse keeper with the task of entering and exporting information on food labels and boxes.

Mr. Nam shared: “In reality, the work is very different from what we studied, but at first I have caught up with the way of doing things and am still in the process of learning more to develop. The experiences from reality as well as the help of colleagues and leaders help me consolidate my knowledge and abilities more. I myself am also very happy because in the context of economic difficulties, I have a stable job in my hometown, especially at the end of the year.”

It is known that the company Mr. Nam is working for continues to recruit more workers to work in the positions of sterilization pot operators, quality managers, electrical technicians, etc.

Nikolet - Southern Company Limited has recently recruited 3 new employees in the sales and finished product positions. The employees have different ages and experiences, including new graduates who are given the opportunity to learn the job.

Mr. Than Thanh Luan - Head of Marketing Division of this company predicts that the shrimp industry will flourish from now until the end of the year, which is why the company continues to recruit about 8 more employees, including 6 employees in the business sector and 2 employees in the Marketing sector.

Many industries are "thirsty" for human resources

Talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Ho Minh Triet - Chairman of the Trade Union of Duc Thanh Import-Export Garment Company Limited, An Giang - said that at present, the garment industry has recovered after a long period of stagnation. Orders have begun to increase, and the export market has also expanded.

“Currently, the garment industry is in dire need of human resources to boost production before the Lunar New Year in 2025. Our company continues to recruit 400 more skilled workers from provinces and cities in the Western region. I hope this will be an opportunity for workers to earn extra income to stabilize their lives,” Mr. Triet informed.

Ms. Phan Thi Kim Thuy (worker at Duc Thanh Import-Export Garment Company, An Giang) said: "We are very happy to see many orders. We try to work overtime to earn more income, especially for the year-end bonus.

I will also introduce more friends who need jobs to work at the company."

“It is expected that the recruitment demand of enterprises in the last months of 2024 will increase compared to before, especially in the fourth quarter of 2024. Trade, services, information technology, industry and construction will still be the fields with high demand for labor recruitment,” said Mr. Nguyen Van Toan - Director of Can Tho Employment Service Center.

Phong Linh

Công ty ở Bình Dương tuyển dụng 1.000 công nhân lao động


Một công ty ở thành phố Thuận An, tỉnh Bình Dương đang tuyển dụng 1.000 công nhân lao động.

Công ty Cổ phần LILAMA 18 - Tuyển dụng



Số 9 - 19 Hồ Tùng Mậu, phường Nguyễn Thái Bình, Quận 1, TP.HCM.

Trường ĐH Công đoàn tuyển dụng viên chức, người lao động năm 2024

Thuỷ Anh |

Trường ĐH Công đoàn tuyển dụng 89 chỉ tiêu, trong đó vị trí giảng viên 51 người; vị trí chuyên viên 33 người và vị trí nhân viên 5 người.

Bãi bỏ Nghị định 161 về tuyển dụng công chức, viên chức

Phương Minh |

Nghị định 107/2024/NĐ-CP bãi bỏ 10 Nghị định, trong đó có Nghị định 161/2018/NĐ-CP về tuyển dụng công chức, viên chức.

Doanh nghiệp tăng tuyển dụng lao động 6 tháng cuối năm

Bảo Hân |

Từ nay đến cuối năm, nhiều doanh nghiệp tiếp tục có nhu cầu tuyển dụng lao động, nhất là lao động phổ thông để đáp ứng nhu cầu sản xuất, hoàn thành đơn hàng.

95 công nhân mới tuyển dụng được kết nạp đoàn viên

Nguyễn Văn Thương |

Công đoàn Công ty Than Hạ Long vừa tổ chức Lễ kết nạp đoàn viên cho 95 công nhân mới được tuyển dụng vào làm việc tại Công ty.

Bãi bỏ một nghị định về tuyển dụng, nâng ngạch công chức


Chính phủ đã bãi bỏ Nghị định số 161/2018/NĐ-CP sửa đổi, bổ sung một số quy định về tuyển dụng công chức, viên chức, nâng ngạch công chức, thăng hạng viên chức.

Lý do không khởi tố vụ giám đốc bị tố xâm hại nam thiếu niên


Liên quan đến vụ một giám đốc ở Bình Phước bị tố xâm hại nam thiếu niên, Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra không khởi tố vụ án hình sự.

Company in Binh Duong recruits 1,000 workers


A company in Thuan An city, Binh Duong province is recruiting 1,000 workers.

LILAMA Joint Stock Company - Recruitment



No. 9 - 19 Ho Tung Mau, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, District 1, HCMC.

Trade Union University recruits civil servants and workers in 2024

Thuỷ Anh |

Trade Union University recruits 89 positions, including 51 lecturers; 33 specialists and 5 staff.

Enterprises increased labor recruitment in the last 6 months of the year

Bảo Hân |

From now until the end of the year, many businesses continue to need to recruit workers , especially unskilled workers to meet production needs and complete orders.

95 newly recruited workers were admitted to the union

Nguyễn Văn Thương |

Ha Long Coal Company's Trade Union has just held a union membership admission ceremony for 95 newly recruited workers to work at the Company.

Abolish a decree on recruitment and promotion of civil servants


The Government has abolished Decree No. 161/2018/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of regulations on recruitment of civil servants and public employees, promotion of civil servant ranks, and promotion of civil servant ranks.