Lao Dong Newspaper suggested that Dong Thap exported labor

Tùng Linh |

From information from Lao Dong Newspaper, leaders of Dong Thap province opened a labor export program...

The origin of the breakthrough in Sen Hong land

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of Lao Dong Newspaper (August 14, 1929 - August 14, 2024), we had the opportunity to return to Dong Thap and were surprised to learn that Mr. Huynh Minh Doan (1953) was a former member of the Central Committee. Party, was once a loyal reader of Lao Dong Newspaper as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Dong Thap Provincial People's Council and Deputy of the Southwest Steering Committee. According to Mr. Doan, among the political newspapers with high status and reputation in the Vietnamese revolutionary press, he loves and regularly reads Lao Dong Newspaper because it ensures both topicality and accuracy. high body. Especially the newspaper always ensures harmony between two seemingly opposing elements: fighting and building.

What makes Mr. Doan most pleased is that Lao Dong Newspaper has created its own position by always using "build" to "fight" and "fight" to "build". This has brought him many useful things in handling work.

"Speaking of Lao Dong Newspaper, I have profound memories. This official source has helped me consult and learn to accumulate experience and have correct and timely direction" - Mr. Doan emphasized. strong.

Mr. Huynh Minh Doan - former member of the 10th Party Central Committee, Secretary of Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee for the 2001-2010 term. Photo: Phong Linh

Accordingly, in the early years of the 21st century, the impression of an article on labor export in the Lao Dong Newspaper urged him to be responsible for his homeland, proactively discuss with provincial leaders and determine to do the right thing. Improve local hunger eradication and poverty reduction by encouraging labor export.

"The Lao Dong Newspaper suggested to Dong Thap the idea of ​​sending workers to work abroad for a limited time" - Mr. Doan's voice suddenly became eloquent - "Around 2002, while reading the Lao Dong Newspaper, I felt like I had struck gold. When I read the article about the work of sending workers abroad to work in the Central region, I later raised the issue at the Provincial Party Standing Committee meeting and Dong Thap got involved with labor export.

Mr. Doan talked with Lao Dong Newspaper reporters about his memories with the newspaper. Photo: Phong Linh.
Mr. Doan talked with Lao Dong Newspaper reporters about his memories with the newspaper. Photo: Phong Linh

Mr. Doan said that through monitoring the press, especially Lao Dong Newspaper, seeing that Dong Thap is among the top in the country in terms of quantity and quality of sending workers to work abroad for a limited time, he feels that very happy. With the motto: Work as an employee - Come back as your own boss", the program not only helps many Dong Thap citizens escape poverty, but also promotes accumulated knowledge, creating jobs for many people in the village and in the community. commune... demonstrates the outstanding progress of the province's young generation of leaders.

When he became Deputy Head of the Southwest Steering Committee, through the newspaper's Mekong Delta insert, it helped him have an overview and specific view of the general situation as well as the downsides of the region. "So in just half an hour, I fully grasped the current situation and basic needs of the entire Mekong Delta region, from which I quickly and specifically discussed and proposed to the Government..." - Mr. Doan added.

Dong Thap workers leave the country to work abroad under contracts. Photo: Provided by Dong Thap Service Center.
Dong Thap workers leave the country to work abroad under contracts. Photo: Provided by Dong Thap Service Center.

When Lao Dong Newspaper reporter is home

When we asked about the most memorable memory of Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Doan replied: " I want to mention the late journalist Le Vu Tuan. To me, Mr. Tuan was not only instrumental in propagating information for Dat Sen Hong , but also propagated accurately and skillfully. When I learned that Mr. Tuan needed to move to Can Tho, I proactively mobilized my car and assigned my brothers to assist respect for the journalist of Lao Dong Newspaper".

Now, even though he has been retired for many years, following the technological trend, the former Deputy Head of the Southwest Steering Committee still regularly reads Lao Dong Newspaper via electronic newspaper. And he still has the same affection for Lao Dong Newspaper as before. "Lao Dong is still the No. 1 newspaper for union members and workers; the news is fresh, sensitive, and timely" - he shared.

Tùng Linh

“Báo Lao Động đã mạnh mẽ bảo vệ những người yếu thế”

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Minh Nguyễn |

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