Minister Luong Tam Quang sent a letter of praise to the Hung Yen Provincial Police

Bảo Nguyên |

In response to the outstanding achievements of Hung Yen Provincial Police in the fight against crime, Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang issued a Letter of Commendation.

On August 23, 2024, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security sent a Letter of Commendation to the Hung Yen Provincial Police for their achievements in promptly detecting and arresting subjects taking advantage of cargo transportation activities. internationalization to fraudulently appropriate assets of foreigners, recovering assets worth more than 10 billion VND and returning them to the victims.

The content of the Commendation Letter clearly states :

Over the past time, Hung Yen Provincial Police have effectively deployed professional plans and measures, promptly detected and arrested subjects who took advantage of international goods transportation activities to fraudulently appropriating assets of foreigners, affecting the image and reputation of Vietnam's investment and business environment; recovered assets worth more than 10 billion VND and returned them to the victims. People praised and praised them and the victims sent letters of honor and gratitude to the Vietnam People's Police force in general and the Public Security Forces. Hung Yen province in particular.

This is an excellent victory demonstrating the determination and high sense of responsibility of the Hung Yen Provincial Police in implementing the direction of the Central Police Party Committee and the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security on preventing and fighting transnational crimes. nation. The achievements of the Hung Yen Provincial Police have contributed to enhancing the beautiful image of the Vietnamese People's Police to international friends; At the same time, deterring and preventing crime, stabilizing the security and order situation, creating a safe and healthy investment environment to help attract foreign investment into Vietnam.

"On behalf of the Central Public Security Party Committee and leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, I acknowledge and praise the achievements of our comrades. We recommend that Hung Yen Provincial Police continue to investigate, expand the case, and urgently consolidate documents and evidence to strictly handle the subject in accordance with the law. We hope that you will promote the results you have achieved and continue to make more outstanding achievements in work and combat." - The letter of commendation emphasized.

Bảo Nguyên

Hai chiến sĩ công an cấp úy nhận thư khen của Bộ Công an

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2 Trung úy cứu người nhận thư khen của Bộ trưởng Bộ Công an

Việt Dũng |

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Bộ trưởng Bộ Công an gửi thư khen chiến sỹ lao xuống nước lũ cứu người

Hoàng Bin |

Ngày 4.7, Thượng tướng Lương Tam Quang, Bộ trưởng Bộ Công an đã gửi thư khen Công an huyện Tây Giang (Quảng Nam) vì đã dũng cảm, lao xuống dòng nước lũ để cứu người dân.

Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bỏ cọc


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Nhóm PV |

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Cho thôi việc Bí thư huyện Vĩnh Cửu theo nguyện vọng


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Anh Tuấn |

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