Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee talked about the results after a year of having a special mechanism


HCMC - On the afternoon of July 16, at the 17th session of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council, term X, Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Phan Van Mai informed about the results after one year of implementing the special mechanism.

Resolution 98 of the National Assembly on piloting a number of specific mechanisms and policies to develop Ho Chi Minh City, effective from August 1, 2023, following Resolution 54, includes 44 policy groups with 7 areas, expected to bring many benefits. beneficial for people and businesses in the city.

According to Mr. Phan Van Mai, immediately after Resolution 98 was issued, the first thing Ho Chi Minh City did was allocate public investment capital to support poverty reduction. "This is a policy with great socio-economic impact, demonstrating high humanity" - Mr. Phan Van Mai said.

Along with that, Ho Chi Minh City allocates budget for the Ho Chi Minh City - Moc Bai expressway project; allocate capital for stimulus programs to attract investment from society; promulgate lists of BOT (build – operate – transfer) projects in the field of transportation; Completing rooftop electricity projects at some offices.

Ho Chi Minh City implements increased income for officials and civil servants and expands the scope of application for central agencies in the area. "This is a huge result, plus the new salary from July 1 will have an impact on the efficiency and productivity of the staff" - Mr. Phan Van Mai assessed.

Also according to the Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, the city has implemented a plan to support innovative startups. Develop a project to promote the formation of a research center that meets international standards, and build a sandbox (testing) mechanism in science and technology such as a sandbox for driverless cars.

Regarding the apparatus, Ho Chi Minh City has applied a special mechanism to establish the first Department of Food Safety in the country.

At the same time, Ho Chi Minh City arranged additional positions: Vice Chairman of the People's Council and People's Committee for Thu Duc City; Vice Chairman of the People's Committee for Can Gio, Nha Be, Hoc Mon districts; Vice Chairman of the People's Committee for 51/52 wards, communes and towns with a population of over 50,000 people.

"After 1 year of implementation, I assess that Ho Chi Minh City has achieved a volume and quality, creating a more basic foundation than the period of implementing Resolution 54" - Mr. Mai said.

In the coming time, Mr. Phan Van Mai said, Ho Chi Minh City will complete its policy to attract strategic investors and TOD projects. Ho Chi Minh City strives to submit to the Prime Minister for approval Can Gio International Transit Port and urban railway system development project in the third quarter of this year.

According to the Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, based on the implementation of Resolution 98 and Resolution 131 on urban government, Ho Chi Minh City will organize a preliminary review and propose a new resolution on appropriate urban management institutions.


Lý do tin giả vẫn xuất hiện nhan nhản trên Facebook, TikTok


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Đan Thanh |

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